Origin of Mohammedanism.
1. The Lord said: After Looeamong had cast out all other false Gods in his earth dominions, he set to work enriching his heavenly home, employing no less than seven thousand million angel slaves for that purpose.
2. Now, the place and extent of his heavenly capital was from Hasetus to Roma, and thence northward to the Aquarian Mountains.
3. His palace was modeled after Ennochissa's, at Eta-shong, and of equal magnificence.
4. His greatest warriors were now exalted as Lords, generals, marshals, and so on. And he provided rites and ceremonies, and tournaments, and all manner of heavenly diversities.
5. But he made the rules of entrance to his palace so rigid, that only his highest officers and visiting Gods could gain access to him.
6. Now, for upward of a thousand years, the angel warrior, Gabriel, alias Thoth, had been to Looeamong his most faithful sub-God.
7. And Looeamong had promised Gabriel that, when he overthrew Baal, and cast him in hell, he would give to Gabriel a great heavenly kingdom, with an earthly base.
8. Accordingly, Gabriel applied for Jerusalem (his station), and for the heavens thereunto, and for one thousand million slaves.
9. But Looeamong postponed the matter from time to time, for more than six hundred years.
10. Thoth, alias Gabriel, then sent this message to Looeamong, to wit:
11. By virtue of mine own worth before the Gods of heaven, I greet thee in peace and love. First, in remembrance of thy many promises to me, in which thou hast kept no part thereof faithfully.
12. Second, that thou art not Kriste, which is All Knowledge, but a usurper and pretender.
13. Third, that I made thee what thou art; and by mine own hand helped thee to cast out Baal and Ashtaroth, and all the Roman'yan and Argos'yan Gods. Of which matters it is known in these three great heavens, thou didst promise me for more than seven hundred years, to give me a kingdom of a thousand million subjects.
14. And, fourth, since thou art safely raised up above all Gods within these regions, thou hast affected to not know me. Yea, and in thy great heavenly recreations and tournaments and receptions, thou hast not commanded my presence, or in any way shown more remembrance of me than as if I were an es'yan.
15. And, fifth, thou didst long promise me that, if thou shouldst succeed in establishing a sub-kingdom on the earth, or in hada, near the earth, thou wouldst hand the same over to me, to rank thee in all things. But thou hast greedily kept both kingdoms to thyself, making either place thy residence, according to the times and seasons most propitious to thine own glory and ease.
16. And, lastly, that thou sacrificest the liberty of thy subjects, making them thy laborers to embellish thy kingdom, and making them little better than slaves, in forever parading in the ceremonies given in thy applause.
17. These things have I often desired to speak to thee about; but thou ever affectedst to be overrun with other matters, so as to put me off from my opportunity. Whereupon I have prayed to the Holy Ghost, for hundreds of years, to have my suit just and honorable and holy.
18. But I shall search no further. Hundreds of millions of thy highest grades, who went down to the earth with me to fight thy battles, and who know the justness of my cause, will, at a word from me, withdraw from thy kingdom, and join me in an enterprise of my own.
19. I shall await patiently for thy reply.
20. But Gabriel received no reply to his message. And so, in course of time, he called together ten thousand angel warriors, and they assembled in a place called, Kalla-Hored, the place of seven steps, in hada. Gabriel spake before them, saying:
21. Here will I establish my kingdom of heaven, and forever. I will show this false Kriste, what I can do. Mark ye, the great power of a God is to establish a good foothold on the earth. The natural increase will soon populate a heavenly kingdom.
22. I will raise me up a prophet and seer of mine own on the earth, and establish a new doctrine amongst mortals. Behold, I have a sword that will cut to pieces Looeamong's kingdom on earth. For, listen! In the old Eguptian libraries are books and tablets and manuscripts, that will show the perversity of the Constantine bible.
23. Now, when I have established my prophet, I will cause mortal legions of Arabin'yans to possess these libraries, especially Alexandria's. And I will raise up mortal scholars, who shall establish the truth of my prophet's doctrines, and the falsity of this false Kriste's doctrines; and I will thus overturn his earthly kingdom, and possess all these mortal regions myself, to be mine forever!
24. After that manner, the angel, Gabriel, boasted. And he made the ten thousand his Holy Council, and from amongst them he appointed marshals, captains, generals, heralds and officers in general. And they built a throne in heaven unto Gabriel, and called it, the Throne of Kalla-Hored; and he went and sat thereon, and then crowned himself, Gabriel, God of Heaven and Earth.
25. And then he crowned ten Lords, to wit: Ateiniv, Le Chung, Tudol, Raim, Hakaya, Wochorf, Yademis, Stu'born, Wolf and Gussak. And Gabriel thereafter commenced the initiation of members to his kingdom. And there thus acceded to his heavenly place upward of five hundred thousand angels every day, and this continued until Kalla contained more than eight hundred million angel subjects.
26. Of these, certain selections were made, according to grade, who were appointed as officers over the rest; and immediately they were put to work, building heavenly mansions, and constructing streets and roads, and all things required in an exalted heaven, and in the meantime Gabriel's palace and throne were extended and beautified beyond description.
27. Gabriel knew the power of rites and ceremonies, and he provided unto his heavenly kingdom accordingly, so that his people were kept in a constant state of excitement, because of his wonderful inventions. So that millions and millions of them truly believed he was the veritable Creator of heaven and earth, thus in form of an angel.
28. Gabriel perceived this, and for these he provided places of trust and nearness to him, that his miraculous power might be the better strengthened with the unbelieving.
29. Now, the time came when Gabriel's kingdom was sufficiently established, and he began to provide for his great scheme to establish himself with mortals, that their spirits after death might be brought to his kingdom. For such is the order of Jehovih's creation, that whosoever man worshippeth whilst he is on earth, to that God will his spirit float after death; and without resistance become a dutiful slave, not knowing there be other Gods and other heavens.
30. And Gabriel made Ateiniv Chief Lord of Lords to go down to the earth, and find a mortal capable of the required inspiration. And he gave to Ateiniv to be his co-laborers, Yademis, Stu'born, and Wolf, and with them, at their call, three hundred million warrior angels.
31. And with this host, Ateiniv departed for the earth, for Arabin'ya; and as he went forth he dropped of his hosts, at certain distances, groups of angels, which formed the line of light from Gabriel down to the earth.
Chapter L
1. The Lord said: Gabriel raised upon the earth one Mohammed, and inspired him through his angel hosts. And the angels inspired Mohammed to go once every month in the year into the cave of Hara; on which occasions, Gabriel came in person, and talked with Mohammed, who had su'is in great perfection.
2. Twelve years in peace did Gabriel inspire mortals through Mohammed. But, at the end of thirteen years, Mohammed attained to sufficient strength to draw the sword for Gabriel's doctrines. And Gabriel, through inspiration, caused the Mohammedans to commemorate this as the beginning of his kingdoms on earth. And they, therefore, consecrated the said period of time.
3. And, on this first meeting of the faithful in Gabriel, Mohammed, being under inspiration, spake before the multitude, saying:
4. There is but one God, and he is God. Heaven is his. The earth is the Lord's, through the angel, Gabriel. This is the sum and substance of all things. This was the doctrine of Abraham and of Moses, our forefathers.
5. But evil men have invented other Gods, which have no existence. They are idols, which exist only in superstition and ignorance.
6. Revere me not, nor call me wise. I am not wise; I have little learning. Knowledge cometh to me from the Unseen. My eyes are open, my ears are open. I see and hear spiritual things. The angels of heaven tell me things of wisdom.
7. I do but repeat them. Therefore, I am not wise, nor great. I strive to be honest and upright before God, but I am weaker than a child in these respects. Therefore, worship not me, nor bow down before me. I am nothing.
8. As I am an instrument in the hands of God, through his angel, Gabriel, so also were Abraham and Moses and many of the prophets. They could work miracles. I can not. Therefore, I am the least of God's prophets.
9. That ye may become exalted before God, I am sent into the world. Shall I reveal what Gabriel hath told me? Or do ye believe God is dead, or gone afar off? Believe ye, that he can not raise up a prophet in this day? Is God weak? or hath he forgotten the world he created?
10. Why hath this thing come at this time? No man can answer that. Gabriel saith: There is a false God in heaven, and he hath falsely called himself, Kriste. Gabriel saith, that he himself, Gabriel, provided the way for the gathering of the lost sheep of Israel, through an iesu.
11. Brothers, I will tell you why I am chosen of God: It is to circumvent the Kriste'yan's idolatry from coming into Arabin'ya and the countries north and south and east.
12. These countries were given by God to our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and thence down to Moses, and thence down to us.
13. There is but one God, and Gabriel is his angel of all the world.
14. And God raiseth up a prophet from time to time, to bless his chosen people.
15. He put this matter upon me; I know only to serve God.
16. The Kriste'yans are merciless warriors. This false Kriste and his worshipers are working for the Romans, and not for salvation. Wherever they go, they destroy the libraries and all manner of learning.
17. Will ye submit, like slaves, to have them despoil you? Is there no Arabin'yan blood in your veins?
18. When asked to state the Mohammedan doctrines, he said: To tell no lies; to not commit fornication; to preserve the ceremonies; to give to the poor freely; to observe the sacred days; to agress not; but to war for the innocent and oppressed; to maintain the liberty of the people; to steal not, and to deceive no man.
19. Mohammed, being under inspiration of the God, Gabriel, and his angels, collected together thousands and tens of thousands of warriors, and went forth to conquer. And the angel hosts of Gabriel went forth with Mohammed's army, and inspired them to such degree that they were without fear or hesitation. And Gabriel's hosts of angels went into the armies that fought against Mohammed, and inspired them with fear and cowardice and panic.
20. And it came to pass, that wherever Mohammed went, there was sure victory, the like of which had not been for many centuries.
21. Now, Looeamong, the false Kriste, had previously destroyed, for the most part, the Alexandrian library, having inspired a mortal priest, Coatulius, to do the work.
22. And Looeamong, now perceiving the triumph of Mohammed, inspired three hundred monks and priests to go throughout Heleste and Arabin'ya, and destroy the ancient state records and libraries. And they went thither, and accomplished the destruction.
23. Mohammed was shown this by Gabriel, and he used it as a battle-cry for his soldiers.
24. Looeamong now declared war in heaven against the false God-Gabriel; and, in not many years they both carried their war down to earth, contending for certain localities on the earth.
25. As for the other two false Gods, Kabalactes, alias Budha, and Ennochissa, alias Brahma, they had been in war against each other for over six hundred years.
26. Now had these four false Gods possession of the whole earth, at least, wherever there were mortal kingdoms and empires.
27. Now, in reference to the Faithists: In Chine'ya and Vind'yu, they were no longer identified with the kingdoms or governments, but lived about in scattered families. In Arabin'ya, Heleste and Uropa, they were scattered in all directions. From the time of Joshu's death, in Jerusalem, they began to migrate, mostly toward the west.
28. And these called themselves, Israelites and Jews.
29. Nevertheless, many of the Israelites and Jews, so-called, were apostates in fact; eating flesh, and marrying with other peoples.
30. Now, after the fall of the great empire, Egupt, her people migrated westward, hundreds of thousands of them, and they settled in western Uropa, where these people married with the aborigines. Their offspring were called Druids, Picts, Gales (Gaelic), Wales (Welsh), Galls (Gauls), and Yohans (Johns), all of which are Eguptian names, preserved to this day.
31. Now, when the Faithists were moved by the inspiration of God to have no more kings, and to flee away from the Kriste'yan warriors, they came amongst the people above mentioned. (The apostate Faithists married with them, and their offspring were the forefathers of those now called, French, German, Russian and English.)
32. God, Son of Jehovih, had said: Suffer the apostates to so marry, for here will I find a way to raise up disbelievers in the false Kriste; and they shall ultimately become believers in Jehovih only.
33. For, inasmuch as I have suffered them to become scattered, so will I appropriate them as seed to quicken all the races of men to comprehend the All One.
Chapter LI
1. For five hundred years more, the wars lasted between the four false Gods, Looeamong, Thoth, Ennochissa and Kabalactes. And then they came to terms, and ratified a division of the earth and her heavens into four great parts, with fixed boundaries.
2. And it was stipulated by them, that the spirits of all mortals at time of death, should go to the heaven which reigned on the portion of earth where they had lived. (Unless carried away by God, Son of Jehovih, to Paradise.)
3. So comparative peace reigned in the heavens of the earth. And after this, there was nothing in common between them. Their respective heavens and their earth possessions were under each one in his own way.
4. And they now fell to work in earnest to adorn and glorify their heavenly kingdoms, their cities, their palaces, and thrones. And each of them exalted their great war captains who had fought so long for them, and they all had councils of millions and millions; and marshals and heralds, and masters of ceremonies, and musicians, hundreds of millions.
5. And they all had thousands of millions of subjects; but as for themselves, they kept aloof from their people. The private palaces of these Gods, and their private heavenly seats of splendor were exclusive to themselves and their favorite Lords and high officers.
6. And all angels else, who desired to see these Gods, were obliged to pass through rigid examinations, and solemnly bind themselves in oaths and castigations before they were permitted to pass the outer columns of fire. After this, they were permitted to walk on their knees to the second columns of fire.
7. Here they were obliged to repeat a thousand prayers and a thousand anthems ere they could pass within. And now, when within the arena, they were obliged to crawl on their bellies; and, for every length crawled, they had to repeat seven new prayers. And it was a thousand lengths from the inner pillars of fire to the arches of the palace, especially of Kabalactes' and Looeamong's. Of these arches, there were three million three hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three in number. And there were four marshals for each arch, and these four had two relief watches for each twenty-four hours.
8. To pass the arches, another examination had to be undergone; and, after this, the person must again crawl on the belly till merging into the under arch, where stairs began, of which there were seven steps. On each of these steps he must lay one day, repeating prayers and praises to his God. On the upper step, however, he was not required to pray, but might look in silence at the throne, on which, at times, his God came and sat, his Holy Council sitting to the west, facing to the east, to the throne.
9. From the place of the person on the upper step to the throne, was five hundred lengths, nearer than which none were permitted to come, save by the God's special decree.
10. And, if the God was not on his throne, and his Holy Council sitting, then the person must wait, not moving from his place, perhaps for a day, or more.
11. But, after he had observed his God, he was not permitted to remain longer than to say seven prayers. After this he must return, and depart in the same way he came.
12. Now, as to the throne and its brilliancy and grandeur, no mortal words can convey a knowledge thereof to mortal understanding; for it was so vast, and withal adorned with elements not found on the earth. Thousands of millions of which gems had been captured from the dispossessed false Gods of centuries before, and even from heavens from other star worlds.
13. And equally astonishing and overwhelming were the seats and places and robes of the Holy Council, which also baffleth mortal words to convey an idea of. Only to look on, to be overcome with emotion, to remember what great effects can be accomplished by concentrated labor, and to feel the insignificance of isolation, one's wonder was swallowed up in silent awe before the scene.
14. Such was the magnificence of each of the four heavenly places of the four hadan Gods, and not differing but little from one another.
15. In order to obtain the privilege of thus going to look upon the throne and the God thereof, one had to first serve a hundred years in the labors of that heaven, and to have his record good during all the while.
16. If, in the mortal life, a man had served his God, by preaching and praying, or by fighting battles for him, and had thus attained a good record, one hundred years' servitude in heaven entitled him to visit his God on the throne, at the distance named above.
17. But if the mortal had been an enemy to the God during his earth-life, he could not attain to approach the throne in less than three hundred years' servitude. Which servitude consisted in laboring in building mansions, or in paving roads in heaven, or in bringing produce up from the earth, or in bringing up other atmospherean elements for the gratification and glory of the God and his tens of millions of high officers.
18. So great and grand and far-reaching were these four kingdoms, that angels dwelt therein, hundreds of millions of them, never even hearing of any other heaven than the one they were in.
19. Now, for the most part, the Brahmins of the earth, on entering the es world, went to the Brahmin heavens (Eta-shong), ruled over by the false Brahma, alias Ennochissa.
20. And the Budhists of the earth, on entering the es world, went to the Budhist heavens, ruled over by the false Budha, alias Kabalactes.
21. The Kriste'yans of earth, on entering the es world, went to the heavens of Looeamong, the false Kriste.
22. The Mohammedans went to Gabriel's heavens.
23. God, Jehovih's Son, said: Behold the stubbornness of the angels of the heavens! To whom they bound themselves on earth, they were bound in heaven. Neither would they admit they were bound, though they were slaves. Their priests and monks and bishops, arch-bishops and popes, marched in the processions of heaven, praying, singing, and even carrying burdens, hundreds of years, for the privilege of ultimately approaching the throne of Ennochissa, or Kabalactes, or Looeamong, or Thoth, honestly believing they were to look upon the very Creator.
24. God said: Their minds were in bondage to so great an extent, that even after they had attained to view their God (at such a distance and in such artificial splendor), they could not receive truth.
25. And when an angel of Jehovih came to the, and said: Behold, this is only one heaven, of which there are millions, they would not believe. And when he said to them: Behold, this heaven, with all its magnificence, is only one of the lowest of heavens, they would not believe. And when he said to them: Behold, this God, with all his glory, is only one God, of which there are many, they would not believe. And when he said to them: Behold, there are higher Gods than this, they would not believe. And when he said to them: Behold, the All Highest God is not thus, but One not in shape of man, they would not believe.
26. These subjects would say: I want not your Jehovih! Behold, I can see my God; he is the Creative element personified. This is the all highest heaven; here is the place and person of the Lord!
27. God said: Man sinned not in this; neither sinned the angels of the heavens.
28. The fault was with these false Gods.
29. Because they had taught men that the Creator was in the image of a man, and sitting on a throne, behold, their subjects would not believe otherwise.
30. And it came to pass, on earth, when a man died, his neighbors said: Behold, he hath gone to see the Lord, who sitteth on the right hand of God.

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