The meaning and origin of the term, Holy Ghost!
1. There came to Paradise, God's heavenly place, one, Taenas, a messenger from the chiefs of the so-called Holy Confederacy. God's chief marshal conducted him before God, and, being commanded to speak, he said:
2. Greeting to thee, O God. In behalf of the Three Sons of the Holy Ghost I come before thee to proclaim their words. I have been instructed by them, what to say, and I declare unto thee, O God, my words are their words.
3. First, that thou mayest hear us before we are adjudged; second, as thou claimest liberty to think and to speak for thyself, so do we all. And wherein error cometh of our proceedings, it is our own matter, and not thine.
4. As thou sayest: Behold the All Person, so do not we say; but we say: Behold the all expanse; it is but a shadow, a ghost. And for convenience sake, we name it, Holy Ghost.
5. Is not this our privilege? Who can deny us? Hath one man rightful dominion over another? Or one captain, or one God?
6. God said: Proceed.
7. Taenas said: And we be right, then shall we of our own selves judge what we will do. But if thou be right, and this thing be an All Person, thou art then His servant to do His will. Are these points true?
8. God said: It seemeth so.
9. Taenas said: And liberty to both sides?
10. God said: Yea.
11. Taenas said: When I was a child, I was helped to walk; but now I am strong, I walk alone. Wherein then shall not my judgment also walk alone?
12. God said: Proceed thou, and I will speak afterward.
13. Taenas said: We have seen in ages past, that peace hath been forever proclaimed by the followers of Jehovih; and that both on earth and in heaven such people become the sufferers and victims of tyrants of earth and of false Gods in heaven.
14. We propose war, in the name of the Holy Ghost, both on earth and in heaven. We can have no war with thee or thy people, on earth, or in heaven; for thou and thy people, angels and mortals, are all peace, warring not.
15. Our wars can be only with warriors. I put the matter thus: Thou hast a virgin daughter, and a villain assail her; thy doctrine is, to rush in and take thy daughter away from him; our doctrine is, to beat him away from her.
16. We behold evil Gods and evil spirits, assailing virtuous people on earth and in heaven. We propose to war them to destruction, for righteousness sake. More then are we to thy favor, O God, than against thee.
17. We dip our hands in blood, for sake of peace and virtue, for sake of liberty and knowledge. We shall say to the man of earth: Thou shalt become learned: To the es'yan in heaven: Thou shalt not return to mortals, but remain in thy place, and become learned and virtuous.
18. For which reason we come to thee, O God, that thou mayest know our foundation.
19. God said: Who then sayest thou, men and angels shall worship?
20. Taenas said: In this, we command them not. But we give them liberty to worship whomsoever they will.
21. God said: Thou hast said: Our doctrine is, to beat the villain away from the virgin; but what wilt thou, or thy example, teach?
22. Taenas answered: That an assailant deserveth punishment.
23. God said: And wilt thou say to the peaceful and virtuous: Take up arms, give your enemies torments?
24. Taenas answered: Yea, verily.
25. God said: And by what authority, if they inquire of thee?
26. Taenas said: By authority of the Holy Ghost, and the Father (the Confederacy), and by the Son, that is, each and every Lord of the Confederacy.
27. For we shall teach mortals and angels that all things are by law; and the word, law, shall take the place of the term, Great Spirit, or Jehovih.
28. God said: Hear me, then, O Taenas, and in love bear my words to thy so-called Triune Confederacy, and to the high leaders, saying to them: thus saith God of Paradise, Son of Jehovih, according to the light of this throne:
29. Ye shall triumph for a long season on earth and in heaven; but not in the way ye suppose.
30. For ye will be forced to provide a worshipful head for mortals and angels. And it will come to pass, your three heavenly places will become known on earth and in heaven as the Triune Gods, or Trinity!
31. And the people will worship an imaginary figure of three parts, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. And this will become their idol; and he will be accredited with love, anger, jealousy and favoritism, war and destruction.
32. Because ye say: Give punishment to the wicked, ye open the door of all evil. For he, who hath a quarrel with his neighbor, will accuse him as deserving punishment. They, that are in darkness, and being mighty, will fall upon the weak, and slay them.
33. A quarrel will ensue in your three heavenly kingdoms, and ye will become as three false Gods. And since ye profess not the All Person, each of ye three Gods will be forced to announce himself as such.
34. For the rule applieth to all men and to all angels, that they, who deny an All Highest Person in the Creator, become establishers of idolatry unto themselves.
35. Thou hast said: We shall leave mortals and angels to worship whom they will. Why, then, is it not well to worship Baal? And Dagon? And Ashtaroth? And yet, these Gods make slaves of their subjects, that worship them.
36. Taenas said: Nay, they are evil Gods. We will deliver their slaves into freedom.
37. God said: Who is master, and who is slave? Either on earth, or in heaven? Why not abolish your Triune Confederacy, lest ye rule over others? And you profess liberty, why not practice it?
38. Because ye proclaim liberty as your chief object, ye will entice the unlearned and the truant and the idle and the lazy; for all these claim their weaknesses as the boon of liberty.
39. It shall come to pass, in the far-distant future, your kingdoms will be made up of the lowest grades. And they will pull you all down from your present high resolves; and ye will become tyrants and evil Gods yourselves, and meet the fate of all your predecessors.
40. The earth and the heavens thereof were given into my keeping, for the resurrection of all the inhabitants; but I have neither commission nor desire to accomplish dominion by violence. As ye have withdrawn from my kingdoms, it is an act of your own.
41. Even mine own grief at your secession showeth me, how short I am in comprehending Jehovih's ways. For I declare unto thee, O Taenas, and through thee to thy chiefs, that though your course seemeth evil in my sight, yet will it be proven in the distant future, that Jehovih will appropriate your labors to an ultimate good.
42. Thus said the God of heaven and earth: Go thou therefore with my words to the chiefs of the Triunes. I part with you all, as a father parteth with a son, that goeth into a consuming fire.
43. Taenas said: In reverence to thee, O God, I go to them, that pity thee for thy too peaceful ways.
44. Thereupon, Taenas saluted in reverence, and departed, going his way.
Chapter XIX
1. God called up Erastes, prince of messengers, and he said unto him: Thou hast heard the words of thy God and of Taenas. Take therefore thirty thousand and four hundred messengers, that is, one for each and all of my remaining kingdoms, and go and proclaim the same unto them, that they, having due notice, may manage their affairs with wisdom and foresight. Erastes said: Jehovih's will and thine be done! And he saluted and withdrew, going to the palace of the messengers, and choosing his hosts, whom he instructed in regard to the message. And he gave to each of them power to choose their own officers, and to provide their own vessels of travel. And in not many days thereafter, they all departed.
2. Now it came to pass, that the following kingdoms soon fell to pieces, and drifted into the Triune Confederacy, namely: Sho'e'gan, and her twenty-eight sub-kingdoms, all in the hadan regions; Ghi'e'wan, and her forty-four heavenly hadan kingdoms; Haotus, with seven heavenly hadan kingdoms, and five sub-kingdoms; Tuwahtal, and thirty kingdoms in the first resurrection in the plateau Theovrahkistan; Livragga, and seventy-one heavenly sub-kingdoms, of which thirty-eight were ready to enter the second resurrection; Jahkin and Mouru, with ninety-seven heavenly hadan kingdoms, of which eighty-seven were promoted to the second resurrection; Ganzoe, with four hundred hadan kingdoms, of which many were below the first resurrection; Hapsu, with four heavenly kingdoms of seventy million angels in the second resurrection; Iturba, with twelve heavenly kingdoms of one hundred and four million angels in the second resurrection, half of whom were as high as fifty in the grades; Wantawacha, with thirty heavenly kingdoms, with three hundred million angels in the second resurrection, three-fourths of whom were upward of grade fifty.
3. Of the seven lower kingdoms of the second sphere, there were eight hundred million angels of the first resurrection, who migrated from their provinces to the Triune regions, Amesha; and they destroyed the road behind them.
4. Now, when God saw the great secession of his heavenly kingdoms, and their allegiance to the Triunes, his soul was filled with sorrow. And the Voice of Jehovih came to him, saying: Why takest thou sorrow to thy soul for these things? Shall a God grieve, because his burden is made lighter? Behold, in this day and hour the Gods and Lords of the Triune are rejoicing with great joy, because of these accessions. Yea, they perceive not, what a load they are taking on their own shoulders.
5. But thou shalt send agents amongst the Triunes, especially into their capitals and their chief kingdoms.
6. So, God appointed many agents, different from messengers, for they were to be under the command of none but God. God said unto them: Ye shall go to the places I appoint unto each one of you, as travelers and sojourners in your own way, and observe the doings of the Triunes, especially the chiefs and leaders, Lords and Gods, and their teaching and government, and in your own good time depart out of the place and return hither and inform my Holy Council and my Holy Eleven.
7. And the agents went forth as commanded.
Chapter XX
Of the Confederacy of the Holy Ghost, called the Trinity.
1. The Lord said: The three heavenly kingdoms, Heractu, Eta-shong and Hapsendi, of the Triunes, were independent, but allianced for offence and defence against the evil Gods, Baal, Dagon, Shulleth, Ashtaroth and others, whose angel subjects were kept in slavery, and for evil purposes.
2. Now, therefore, the Triunes jointly declared war, to the end that peace might be secured in these heavens.
3. Nevertheless, each of the Triunes had charge of his own heavens and over such part of the earth as was covered by his heavens.
4. For they had divided up and appropriated both, the earth and the heavens, into three parts, one to each of them.
5. Here followeth, then, the history of the wars of the Triunes:
6. First, of Looeamong and the false Gods he overthrew:
7. A triangular was was going on in hada and on earth betwixt the angel armies of Baal, Dagon and Ashtaroth, in which ten thousand million angels were engaged under them.
8. Looeamong declared war against the whole of them, and impressed into his service eight thousand million angel warriors.
9. Ashtaroth, the most vengeful Goddess, had previously sent hundreds of millions of her warring angels down to the apostate Jews, to inspire them to wars and cruelties on one another, hoping, to exterminate them, lest they become Baal's subjects. And yet other millions of warring angels had she sent to the Parsi'e'an cities, and to the Eguptian cities, Daskrath, Babylon and Gonassah and Tyre and Romaxain and to the kings and queens of many other great cities, to inspire them to send forth armies to destroy, not only the worshipers of Jehovih, but all people that worshiped Baal, or Dagon, or any other God.
10. Baal, on the other hand, had sent hundreds of millions of his warring angels down to the earth, to Heleste and the west regions, and to the Israelites as well, inspiring mortals to war against the east kingdoms, especially Babylon and Daskrath, two mighty cities in the dominions of the Goddess Ashtaroth.
11. And the armies of mortals were moved forth by the armies of angels, whom they saw not; war raged east and west and north and south.
12. Looeamong, the Triune, said: I will spoil them both. I will send an angel army of warriors down to the middle kingdoms, to the great tyrant, Cyrus. I will possess the oracles and direct Cyrus to march against Parsi'e. He shall make an alliance with the Argos'yans.
13. Hatchesan and Karsoka shall be my countries. And the cities of Hemia and Babylon and Nine'vah and Gassakad and Hannedan and Saluem shall bow down no more to Baal and Ashtaroth, forever.
14. Belus shall be mine, and the cities and temples of Hina and Maroth and Hovan and Torres and Delfi; and the habitations of Phires and Somak and Macedon and Thues, and the great oracle-houses of Myrsilus and Myrsus and Gyges and Simon and Gamma and Fabiyan and Sulus and Craz'ya and Wakadya and P'hrid and Gemnae and Ma'zan and R'hodae.
15. By force will I possess them; yea, by force drive hence all other angels and Gods. And my warrior angels shall possess these temples, so that whoso cometh to consult the Gods shall receive mine own answers. I will drive mortals to war in mine own way, and to whatever place I determine to subdue or destroy.
16. Equally menacing were the boasts of the Goddess Ashtaroth; she had said: Whether I despoil heaven and earth, I care not. If I can not possess them, I will destroy them, so that no God shall possess them.
17. Into festering knots and hells will I cast tens of thousands of millions of angels, in case I do not succeed in winning all.
18. I will send millions of warring angels down to Xerxes, the Parsi'e'an king, and to his kingdom, and they shall obsess every man, woman and child to desperate madness against the Argos'yans and the middle and west nations.
19. I will lead Xerxes forth with the mightiest army that has ever been on the earth. And they shall despoil all regions, whithersoever they march.
20. For I will make Xerxes and all the Parsi'e'ans believe, they are doing these things for their own prosperity and glory, and for despoiling their own enemies.
21. And, after Xerxes hath despoiled and conquered all the earth regions, Baal and all other Gods shall be driven away from the oracles and temples. Xerxes shall issue a decree, abolishing all other Gods but me, Ashtaroth.
22. And, when I am thus well anchored on the earth, I will turn my legions against this new upstart God, the Triune, Looeamong. And I will cast him into a hell, from which he shall not escape forever.
23. So, Ashtaroth concentrated her heavenly warriors into this great and desperate work. For she had been maturing her plans, even before Xerxes came to the throne of Parsi'e. And, since, in those days, the kings and rich men in all those countries consulted the spirits, in reference to all important undertakings, it was not a difficult feat for Ashtaroth to obsess the millions of Parsi'e'ans to carry out her project.
24. Accordingly, Ashtaroth commanded her marshals to summon two thousand million angel warriors, men and women, for the work in hand. And when they came to Neabissa, a heavenly region to the north, over the earth-mountains Afflo'yagga, she caused Mateus, her chief orator, to prepare a speech in her behalf, and have it declaimed before the angel warriors.
25. Mateus, a one-time Lord to Osiris, nine hundred years previous, now made the speech, and this that followeth is a synopsis, to wit:
26. I, Goddess of all the heavens and of the whole earth. Behold, me, Ashtaroth! The earth and the heavens are mine, saith Ashtaroth! I clove the sun in twain; for it is mine. I clove the pieces again; for they were mine. From these I made the stars and the moon. But the great earth I made as my foot-stool; for it was mine, and ever shall be.
27. I peopled it over with all the living; they were my creation. And ye also are mine. I peopled the stars, and gave to the inhabitants thereof great delights. And the earth and my heavens were places of great delight. For I gave bountifully to all my children.
28. But the inhabitants of the far-off stars quarreled because of an evil God, Baal. And they cast him out. And he came here to despoil me and my heavenly places. Witness ye my beloved. I could destroy him with my little finger. But he is unworthy of your Goddess. To you I give the glory to capture him, and cast him into hell, and torture him forever.
29. But lest other evil Gods take possession of his earthly places, they shall also be destroyed. Hear ye then the command of Ashtaroth, which is, that ye shall go down to the earth, and obsess and inspire the Parsi'e'ans to march forth and destroy all other people on the earth, beginning first with the stronghold of Baal, in Argos, where he hath many sub-Gods under him, where the Argos'yans, not knowing him, call him, Zeus.
30. And to whoso proveth valorous amongst my angel warriors, will I give great promotion and glory, and thousands and millions of slaves. For when Baal is overcome and cast into hell, ye shall take his angel slaves, and possess them yourselves, according to your valorous deeds.
31. Ashtaroth then officered her angel hosts, and sent them down to the earth, and they were distributed by the captains and generals around about Parsi'e. Being directed to preside in the presence of mortals by day, inspiring them to war against Argos, and to be with them at night, and talk to them spiritually in dreams and visions.
32. And it came to pass, that Xerxes and the people, the Parsi'e'ans, were moved to go forth and destroy the Argos'yans. And king Xerxes took two and a half million soldiers with him for his army. And so great was the inspiration and obsession of Ashtaroth's angels, that they caused another two and a half million of Parsi'e'ans to go with Xerxes' soldiers. So that Xerxes' whole army was five millions of souls, which was the largest army on earth, that ever had been, or ever shall be.
Chapter XXI
1. Baal, God of the Argos'yans (Greeks), called together two thousand million angel warriors, and after properly officering them, caused them to assemble in Beth'hagas, a sub-kingdom of heaven over the Tillag mountains, to the north of Macedon, and he said unto them:
2. Behold, your Creator, who I am! By my breath upon the earth ye came forth. I am he, who was of old called, De'yus, Lord God of heaven and earth. All places are my places, all dominion is mine.
3. My heavens gave I unto you for your inheritance forever. But an evil Goddess, Ashtaroth, hath come to despoil you.
4. And she hath sworn upon her thighs to cast you into endless torments.
5. Behold, I have sworn a new oath on the sun and moon and stars! Ye shall capture her, and cast her and all her angels into hell, to so abide forever.
6. For I will clear the heavens and the earth, and they shall be clean and full of delight.
7. Hear ye, then, the commandment of your God, Baal, ruler of heaven and earth: Ye shall go down to the earth, to the Argos'yans, and obsess them, man, woman and child, and inspire them to terrible deeds of blood and havoc and death against the Parsi'e'ans who are coming against them.
8. And whilst ye are thus providing corporeal destruction for this evil Goddess, my heavenly hosts under Yaawochad, my Lord of Agansetha, shall attack her angel armies in every quarter of these heavens.
9. And as fast as her drujas are captured, they shall be cast into the hells of Gotha, which I have prepared for them. And to all my valorous workers will I give great promotion and power. Ye shall have servants and slaves without number.
10. Now, it came to pass, that many years of war and destruction ensued; but Baal's hosts were too powerful for Ashtaroth. And so Baal not only overcame her angel warriors on the earth, but in her heavenly capital also. And his legions rushed upon her, and captured her. Whereat her own angels turned against her, perceiving now that she was an imposter, and not the Creator.
11. And they bound her, and carried her and her Lords and Gods off to Toosemmes, a heavenly place of foul smells, in Gotha, and they built here a place of torment for her and them, and cast them in. And they brought hither tens of thousands of her officers, and cast them in, and also the spirits of kings and queens and of generals and captains who had been her devotees, who were slain in battle, and who were yet in chaos.
12. Thus ended the God-ship of Ashtaroth. And there were thus cast into this hell, voluntary and involuntary, two thousand million angels.
13. Looeamong, the Triune God, said: This is the end, number one; next shall fall Baal; and him will I cast in hell also.
14. As to mortals, Xerxes' mighty armies lived not to return to Parsi'e, but were scattered and destroyed. As to the Argos'yans, they were a ruined people.
15. And all those countries were covered over with the spirits of the dead, in chaos.
16. For these wars had been going on for many, many years.
17. Hear ye, next of Kabalactes, Triune God of Vind'yu and her heavens.
Chapter XXII
Of Kabalactes, Triune, God of Vind'yu, and her heavens.
1. Kabalactes said: Since Vind'yu and her heavens are to be mine, forever, I will take mine own time, and make a sure foundation. First, then, I will build me a heavenly city, Haractu, above the mountains of Yammalaga, twelve miles high, and the wings thereof shall spread out, broad as the land of Vind'yu.
2. And I will build me a heavenly palace in Haractu, and adorn it in splendor; and it shall also have wings on every side; and the wings shall be the habitations for my officers, my select and Holy Council.
3. And when Haractu is thus completed, I will send word into all the heavens of the earth, saying: Come and see Haractu, the heavenly seat of the Holy Ghost; the most glorious city of the Holy Confederacy of the Triune.
4. And then shall my legion of angel warriors go forth to battle in these my heavens; and they shall despoil all the false Lords and false Gods worshipped in Vind'yu. One of the two choices will I give unto them, to bow down in obedience to me and to the Triune and to the Holy Ghost, or to be cast into hell.
5. One by one shall Gods and tyrants fall by my hand; I will destroy them utterly and forever.
6. Kabalactes then organized his heavenly kingdom; creating his officers and apportioning his angels amongst them, according to the labor allotted to them.
7. And he build the heavenly city, Haractu, and adorned it in great splendor. And he provided hospitals for the sick and imbecile, and nurseries for es'yans, and factories for workmen and schools and colleges for great learning.
8. Look, he said, I have provided places for the poor, the sick, the unlearned, the helpless and the imbecile, even before I provided a place for myself. There is a God for you. Behold, I am the servant of the Triune, the Father and the Holy Ghost.
9. My doctrine is: To labor for others first, and for one's self afterward. And since ye perceive that my doctrine is a holy doctrine, ye shall establish it, come what may. For, though I am good, I am also power and majesty, in great anger to overcome evil, and establish righteousness and liberty.
10. These, then, were the chiefs of Kabalactes' staff, to wit: Pedmon, Laer, Yodava, Craosha, Varaga Sin Tse, Karapa (the false Mithra), Haekiha, Yutobis (the false Christna), Lumbothia, Doravva, Etchwalactcha (the false Vishnu), Myrrhes, Sepia, Tidon (the false Ari), Onatuhu, Durhea (the false Durga), Indra, Kali, Hosanne, Wahtissa (the false Agni), Owella (the false Rana), Gur (the false Siva), Hiak, Cassavragga (the false Trimurthi), Howgotha and Ithra. And as captains: Sarama, Janessa, Anatheia, Thodica and Janurs.
11. But all the foregoing assumed many false names, both on earth and in heaven, so that no history could reveal who they were, or by their names distinguish where their dominions lay.
12. Kabalactes had said unto his chiefs: Behold, mortals have many favorite names for worship. Go ye down to the earth, to Vind'yu, and possess the temples of spirit communion, the oracle houses and whatever places mortals come to worship in, and these places shall be yours.
13. And to whatever Lord or God, mortals most incline to bow down, take ye the name of that Lord or God.
14. For I give this law unto you, that ye shall possess the land of Vind'yu, not with new names, but with the old, but all unto one end, which is the establishing of the Triune Godhead.
15. Kabalactes then made Pedmon commander-in-chief over his angel warriors, and dispatched them down to the earth, to Vind'yu.
16. After this, Kabalactes raised an army of two thousand million angels to fight his heavenly battles. Over these he crowned Yettaba, Lord in chief.
17. In addition to the heavenly attractions of war, Kalabactes provided six groups of musicians of half a million to each group.
18. He also instituted times and places for tournaments, processions and the display of great pageantry.
19. He said: I will not only be powerful in might, but powerful in attractions, above all other Gods.
20. Now, even as hath been told of the wars of Looeamong, even so, but in a different place, were the terrible conflicts in the heavens of Kabalactes, which were also manifested on the mortals of Vind'yu.
21. So it came to pass, in a few hundred years, that that country was but a land of ruins, but over it, in every direction, were hundreds of millions of angels in chaos, being the spirits of those slain in the wars.
22. Kabalactes said: Now will I clear away the ruins, and build my everlasting edifice on the earth.
23. Behold, I will remodel the sacred books of mortals in mine own way.
24. In these signs will I rebuild: The triangle, representing the three lights, the Son, the Father and the Holy Ghost.
25. I will re-establish the tau (bull), as the sign of my power. And because my heavens are The All Pure, the tau shall be white.
26. The wheel (jaugernot) shall be my road-mark.
27. These signs shall be given unto my mortal subjects, to be theirs forever.
28. And whoso paradeth my signs, shall know that they are my covenant which I have made unto mortals.
29. Kabalactes then appointed twelve thousand four hundred and eighty-eight angels, to go down to Vind'yu, to re-write the sacred books of mortals.
30. And he crowned Gaonaza chief of the inspiring host.
31. To write the five great books, five mortals had been previously chosen from before their birth, by the guardian angels appointed for the purpose.
32. These men were: Harritza, to write the Avesta; Vraghettes, to write the Vendidad; Royhoh, to write the Vispered; Yathavah, to write the Yacna; and Uzariah, to write the Khordavesta.
33. The angels chosen by Kabalactes in heaven, were sent down to these mortals in infancy, to guard them for the time of their birth upward. And the angels were divided into watches, sufficient to keep away all other angels, to be with their mortal wards day and night, to converse with them in their dreams, to give them visions and good habits and virtue and truth and wisdom.
34. And it came to pass that when these mortals were grown up, and the time came for their work, they were with their guardian spirits as one, knowing and comprehending the voice of their master, Kabalactes, whom they were inspired to call Ahura'Mazda, because this name was pleasing to mortals.
35. Gaonaza, commander of the inspiring hosts, distributed the twelve lights of the throne, the angels in rapport with the five mortals, to each of them, save to Harritza, and to him he gave four.
36. And now, when the writing was to be done, the following was to be the manner of inspiration, to wit:
37. The writer was previously inspired to be at his post at dawn in the morning, and to have all things in readiness for writing half an hour before sunrise, and to write until sunrise.
38. And the angels in rapport stood beside him, lying their hands upon him. Next to these angels stood another angel, with hands upon them; and, after that one, stood another, and so on, for one thousand angels in a line, extending in a direct line toward Haractu, the heavenly seat of Kabalactes. And from the extreme thousandth angel in line on, up to the heavenly throne, were stretched three cords of es'ean light, even to the Holy Council, before whom spake the chief of the ten thousand, as previously instructed by Kabalactes.
39. And, as this chief spake in heaven, the es of his voice passed down to the mortal, who framed in earth-words that which was spoken in heaven.
40. Jehovih hath said: Two kinds of spiritual inspiration have I created for mortals: To the individual man, individual spirits; but, to him that laboreth for the resurrection, a line of angels extending to the kingdoms in heaven.
41. And it that line have a good work on hand, I break it not; but if it be for self, it will break of its own accord.
42. Thus were written the sacred books of Vind'yu, the mutilated remains of which survive to this day. And copies of these books were written on cloth and on paper and on stone; some of which were carried in different directions over Vind'yu.
43. In eighty-seven years Kabalactes completed the sacred books, and disbanded the inspiring hosts.
44. So far Kabalactes had destroyed nine million men, women and children in the wars. He had also destroyed four thousand heathen temples, and more than three hundred cities. And he suppressed over two hundred languages, and banished six thousand two hundred false Lords.
45. He also commanded all languages to be hereafter made out of Vedic, Yi'ha and Zend, from which Sanscrit descended, as it is to this day.
46. Hear ye next of the Triune God, Ennochissa, of the heavenly place, Eta-shong, over Chine'ya.
Chapter XXIII
1. Ennochissa said: According to the splendor of a kingdom, so is the ruler thereof glorified: this I have learned. Therefore Eta-shong shall surpass all other heavenly places. Thus spake he before his Lords.
2. Vazista said: Thy Lords are of the same mind. As for Looeamong and Kabalactes, they are more bent on the affairs of earth than of heaven.
3. Ennochissa spent two hundred years in building and beautifying his heavenly city, Eta-shong, employing more than two thousand million slaves for that purpose.
4. And, as to his heavenly palace, and the palace of his Holy Council, in grandeur and magnificence, the like had not been before in any of the lower heavens.
5. The circuit of the columns of fire, of which there were one million, was equal to half the breadth of the land of Chine'ya. In the front of his palace were four hundred thousand arches and pillars, and leading up to the foot of the throne, seventy rises (stair-steps), with a breadth of one thousand lengths. In front of the arches was an arena, four thousand lengths across, and this was ornamented with one hundred thousand fountains of fire and water. Interspersed, here and there, on the walls and arches, were hanging gardens of flowers, and drapery of gold and silver.
6. And as to the workmanship displayed, it was so fine that no language can convey an idea thereof to mortal understanding, save, indeed, it be said, everything was represented that is on the earth and in the heavens thereof.
7. The officers of the palace, next in grade below the Holy Council, the Lords, marshals and recorders, were generals, captains, inspectors, surveyors, receivers and builders, and these were all above grade ninety.
8. There were maintained within the palace arena half a million es'enaurs and trumpeters, four million fire and water servants, and three million bearers of burdens; and yet, beside these, there were six million caterers and servants.
9. Only officers of rank could cross the arena, or approach the arches by walking upright; all others had to crawl on their bellies in approaching the throne, saying prayers the while.
10. Now, although the other Triunes had great capitals and palaces, they were not to be compared with Ennochissa's.
11. Thus labored this Triune, even to the neglect of his earthly dominions.
12. And it came to pass that God, Jehovih's Son, in Paradise sowed the seed of faith in Chine'ya in favor of the Creator; so that, by the end of two hundred years, nearly all the spirits of the dead went not to the Triune, but to God in Paradise.
13. And God's angel missionaries went into this Triune's heavenly kingdom, and won many converts to Jehovih.
14. So that Ennochissa discovered, indeed, that his heavenly kingdom was losing ground.
15. Thereupon he resolved to enter the field of war, and to destroy all mortals in Chine'ya that worshipped the Great Spirit. And he also resolved to drive out from his heavens all angels who believed in Jehovih, or who were missionaries unto the kingdom of God.
16. Of all the Triunes, Ennochissa was the first to declare war against Jehovih, which was exactly in opposition to his own professions, when the Confederacy was first formed.
17. From this time on, Ennochissa was called by the Faithists in heaven, a false God.
18. As yet, the other two Triunes had fought more for Jehovih than against him.
19. After this, both mortals and angels in Chine'ya, knew no peace. And when no war existed betwixt any two or more cities or states, and the people were Jehovians, Ennochissa, with his hundreds of millions of angel warriors, obsessed such mortals, and plunged them into war, to make them destroy one another.
20. From these scenes of horror turn ye now, and learn of the kingdom of God, Jehovih's Son.

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