13. In years prior to this, when Chine had traveled and preached by the voice of Jehovih, he visited the kings and princes and rich men in many regions; and whilst he was thus speaking, rebuking them for their governments and for their possessions, they took no part against him. But afterward, when he was gone, the kings and queens and nobles said: Chine hath preached a dangerous doctrine; for he said: Thou shalt have no king but the Creator, Who is King over all. Will not this set our slaves against us? And if the people go into communities of their own, ignoring the king, where will the king find his revenue?
14. And there were priests of Dyaus and of other Gods, and speakers in temples (oracles) where the Gods wrote on sand tables. Besides these there were seers and prophets without number. And the kings, being on the alert, went into the matter, inquiring of the spirits, as to whether the doctrines of Chine were true.
15. And some of the spirits said: There is no All Person. Behold, we have visited the stars and the sun, and looked far and near, and we saw not any Creator, or All Person. There is no Great Spirit, save Te-in, who was a one-time mortal, but hath risen to all power in heaven and earth.
16. And other spirits said: There is nothing in heaven that we have not on earth. How shall we find Ormazd? Waste not your time with Chine and his doctrines; he will overthrow your kingdoms. Eat, drink and satiate your desires; for these are the sum and substance of all things in heaven and earth.
17. Tee-zee, king of A'shong, the capital city of the Province of Aen-Na-Po'e, who was withal a great philosopher, had previously heard Chine preach, and was greatly interested. Some time after this a magician, Loo Sin, visited Te-zee, who told the magician about the wonders of Chine. The magician listened to the king's story, and the king asked the magician whether he could himself, in addition to his sleight-of-hand, manifest wisdom in words, like Chine, and if so, how could it be attained?
18. Loo Sin, the magician, answered: Te-zee, O king, thou knowest not how thou hast embarrassed me, thy servant. For when we are young, and finding we have the natural powers for a magician, we go before an adept to be taught all the mysteries of the order; and here we take a most binding oath never to reveal by hint, or word, or mark, or written character, anything that will reveal any of our signs and mysteries, binding ourselves under great penalties, which I can not name to thee.
19. Know then, O king, I can answer all thy questions, and am desirous to serve thee, but what shall I do?
20. The king said: I, being king, absolve thee from thy oath. The magician said: Compared to my power, though I only beg from door to door, thy power, O king, is but as chaff before the wind. In my subtle realms are the keys of all dominions. Not only do I and my craft rule over mortals, but over the spirits of the dead. My oath, then, is too great for thee to absolve, for I can not even absolve it myself!
21. Te-zee, the king, said: Since, then, thou canst not do all things, and especially, absolve an oath, thou art not sufficient for me to deal with. Loo Sin, being desirous of earning something, said: As for that, O king, I tell thee I can not reveal all, for the virtue of my art dependeth much on its secrets and mystery. Nevertheless, as I am very poor, I might reveal an index to thee, to which, if thou wouldst apply thyself diligently, thou mightest attain the remainder.
22. The king thereupon commanded him to perform before him, agreeing to award him according to the decree of the fates (spirits). And Loo Sin at once fell to work, performing wonderful feats, such as causing the tables, and seats, and desks, to move about and to roll over; and to cause voices to speak in unseen places. He also changed rods into serpents, and caused birds to sit on the king's shoulder; and he changed water into wine, and also brought fish and laid them on the floor at the king's feet.
23. The king said unto him: All these things I have witnessed from my youth up. Show me now, whilst thou remainest here, how thou canst see into my neighbor's house?
24. The magician said: Yea, O king; but for that feat it is necessary to enter the state of the holy ghost (trance), and the price is expensive!
25. The king said: I will pay thee; therefore enter into the state of the holy ghost.
26. Loo Sin turned up his eyes and gave a shudder, as one dying, and having stretched himself on the floor, bade the king question him.
27. The king said: Here is chalk; mark thou on the floor the character which is on the top of my tablet, on the left of the throne! Thereupon the magician marked correctly. And now again the king tried him as to his power to see without his eyes, and in far-off places; and, having proved him in many ways, the king said: Canst thou also show the spirits of the dead?
28. Loo Sin said: Of a truth I can, O king. But that requires me to enter the sublime state of creation, and is even yet more expensive!
29. The king said: Have I not said I will pay thee? Go to, then, enter thou the sublime state of creation at once!
30. Loo Sin then went into a dark corner and laid himself down on the floor, and then swallowed his tongue, and was motionless and stiff, like one that is quite dead. Presently a light like a thin smoke rose up from the body and stood a little aside, and a voice spake out of the light, saying:
31. Who art thou that callest up the spirits of the dead? Beware! He whose body lieth stiff and cold beside me, is one of the heirs of the immortal Gods! What wouldst thou, man of earth?
32. The king said: Who art thou? The voice answered: I am Joss, Te-in! Ruler of heaven and earth! The Great Spirit personified! Creator of all things!
33. The king in satire said: Thou art welcome, O Te-in! I am one of the most blest of mortals, because thou hast made my place a holy place.
34. The spirit then assumed mortal shape and stood before the king, even whilst the magician's body lay on the floor in sight also. The spirit said: What question is it troubleth thee, O king? Speak thou, and I will answer thee, for I am all Wisdom and Truth personified.
35. The king said: Why hast thou not appeared to me before this? Why have I been left in the dark as to thy real existence? Answer thou me this, for it is the foundation on which I desire to rest many questions.
36. The spirit said: My son, Te-zee, I have been with thee from thy youth up, watching over thee, for thou shalt become the greatest king in all the world. Yea, there are great works for thee to do. And if thou desire to extend thy kingdom, or to gain great battles, I will show thee the way? Or if thou desire another woman to wife I will find her for thee?
37. The king said: Thou art a great heavenly ruler, I fully believe, but thou answeredst not my question. Moreover, thou questionest me about my kingdom and about another woman to wife, and these things are not what I desire of thee. And for the matter of women I have not yet one wife; consequently I do not desire another.
38. The spirit said: Who sayest thou I am? The king replied: I am at a loss to know if thou art a fool or a devil; and I say that I have either seen one like thee, or else thee, through many a magician. But, alas, there all knowledge endeth.
39. The spirit said: Thou saidst thou would pay what the fates decreed. Hear me then, O king; thou shalt give to Loo Sin four pieces of gold. And after that I will explain all things to thee.
40. The king then cast the four pieces of gold to Loo Sin, and demanded the knowledge as promised. The spirit then said: And on thine oath, thou wilt not reveal?
41. The king said: I solemnly swear to reveal naught of what thou teachest me. The spirit said: Know then, O king, I am Loo Sin, the magician! By long training, the magician attaineth to go out of his own body in spirit, and to appear in any form or shape desired. Wilt thou try me? The king said: Show me the spirit of Ha Gow-tsee.
42. The spirit walked back to the body of Loo Sin, and presently returned before the king, looking like the spirit of Ha Gow-tsee. The king said: It is like the king! The spirit answered: Here then, O man, is the end of philosophy. Behold, I am Loo Sin, also. Some men are one spirit, some two, some three, and some four, to one corporeal body. And yet there is but one person in fact.
43. The king asked: What becometh of the spirit when the corporeal part is dead? The spirit answered: One of two things is possible to every man: his spirit will either dissolve into non-existence, and be scattered and void like the air of heaven, like the heat of a fire that is burnt out; or else it will reincarnate itself in the body of a child before it is born, and, so, live over again.
44. Thus came all people into the world. A child that is still-born is one in whose body no spirit re-incarnated itself. There are no new creations. The same people live now on earth that always lived on it; nor will there be any others. They go out of one body when it is old and worn out; and then enter a young one and live over again and again, forever. Nor is there more nor less unto any man, woman or child in all the world.
45. The king asked: What, then, is the highest, best thing for a mortal man to do during life.
46. The spirit said: To eat and drink, and sleep and rest, and enjoy begetting numerous offspring.
47. The king said: How long would a spirit live if it did not reincarnate itself? The spirit said: If the mortal body is burnt to ashes, then that is the time; if the body be buried, and rot, and return to earth, then that is the time; if the body be embalmed, and keepeth well, the spirit goeth back in the embalmed body and remaineth till that body is moldered into dust, or burnt to ashes, then is the spirit set free, and ready to either re-incarnate itself or to dissolve and disappear forever.
48. The king asked: As it is with thee, is it the same with all magicians? The spirit said: Thou hast only given four pieces of gold; if thou wouldst have more, the price is expensive. The king said: I have told thee I would pay whatever the fates decreed; therefore, proceed. The spirit said: It is even so with all magicians. The king asked: Show me now that thou canst preach like Chine.
49. The spirit said: Thou shalt ask me questions, and I will preach on them.
50. The king asked many questions, and the spirit spake thereon. Finally the king said: That is sufficient; I will pay thee; go thou thy way. As for thy preaching and thy doctrines, they are nothing. Now will I send and find another magician; for out of a counsel with many I shall arrive at the truth.
Chapter XXVII
1. Te-zee, the king, sent for another magician, Wan-jho, who came and was commanded to exhibit his powers; but he also demanded a high price; which the king agreed to pay, and Wan-jho exhibited. First he caused a rose to come within a glass bottle whilst it was shut; then a small serpent he created out of a rod, and caused birds to come and sing to the king; then changed vinegar into water; then writing on a stone tablet without touching the tablet, and even whilst the tablet lay under the king's foot.
2. Now after he had exhibited many more feats of like character, he demanded his money, saying: The angels are gone; I can do no more. The king said: And hast thou not power to fetch them back?
3. Wan-jho said: How much wouldst thou give? The king answered: Three pieces of gold. And Wan-jho said: Ah, in that case, behold, they are come again! What wouldst thou? The king commanded him to show the spirits of the dead, so he might converse with them.
4. Wan-jho went into the same place where Loo'Sin had exhibited, and, laying down, cast himself in the death trance. Presently an angel, robed in white, appeared, and came and stood before the king, saying: Most mighty king, what wouldst thou? Behold me, I am the Goddess, Oe-tu Hent, come from my throne in high heaven. And be thou desirous of conquest in war, or to attain great riches, or more wives, most beautiful, then will I by my most potent will give unto thee.
5. The king said: I am blest, O Goddess, because thou hast come to see me. But alas, none of the things thou hast mentioned suiteth me. I desire nothing as regardeth this world. Give me light as to the place in heaven where dwelleth king See Quan?
6. The spirit said: Were he thy friend or thine enemy? The king answered: He was my deadly enemy. The spirit said: Because I asked thee, is he thy friend or thine enemy? for I saw one See Quan in hell, writhing in great agony. And yet I saw another See Quan in paradise. So, then, I will go and fetch him that is in hell.
7. The spirit passed over to the corner, and presently returned, saying: O, O, O, O, O! Horrors! Demons! Hell! and such like, pretending to be in torments, as if it were See Quan in torments.
8. After this the king called for many different spirits, whether they had ever been, or whether fictitious, and they came all the same. Finally Te-zee, the king, said: Bring me now the wisest God in heaven, for I would question him. So, the spirit went again toward the corner, and then approached, saying: Man of earth! Because thou hast called me I have come. Know thou when I come, and I decree four gold pieces to Wan-jho my prophet.
9. The king said: Most just, God! I will pay him. Tell me now whence cometh man, and what is his destiny?
10. The spirit said: First, then, the air above the earth is full of elementary spirits; the largest are as large as a man's fist, and the smallest no larger than the smallest living insect on the earth. Their size denoteth their intelligence; the largest being designed for human beings. These fill all the air of the earth, and all the space in the firmament above the earth; they have existed from everlasting to everlasting, for they were without beginning.
11. Now whilst a child is yet within the womb, one of these elementaries entereth in the child, and straightway there is the beginning of the man. And in like manner are all things produced which live on the earth.
12. The king asked: Before such time when man beginneth, whilst these elementaries are floating about, do they know anything? The spirit said: Many of them have great wisdom and cunning, and are withal great liars and thieves and rascals. Knowest thou one Loo Sin, a magician? The king answered, Yea. And then the spirit said: Well, Loo Sin is obsessed by the elmentaries, and they are all great liars, pretending to be spirits of the dead! As for myself, I am a most virtuous Goddess, from the highest heavenly spheres. I tell thee, O king, these elementaries are the curse of the world; they are anxious to be born into life, so they may have souls, and they inspire mortals to paternity and maternity that they may have an opportunity for incarnation.
13. The king said: Thou hast answered well, O Goddess. I will pay according to thy decree. And thereupon the spirit departed. King Te-zee sent for another magician, Hi Gowh, of the rank of priest, and having bargained with him as to his price for exhibiting, commanded him to proceed.
14. Hi Gowh then exhibited after the same fashion as the others, doing great wonders. And him also did the king command to show the spirits of the dead. Hi Gowh complained about the price; but being assured by the king that his demands would be paid, the magician went into the same corner and cast himself in the holy ghost (trance); and, presently, a spirit appeared, saying: Greeting to thee, O king! Whether thou desirest conquest, or riches, or more women, name thou to me, and I will give abundantly. Know thou I am the spirit of the great Zarathustra.
15. The king said: Great Zarathustra, thou art most welcome. But, alas, none of the things thou has named are what I desire. Tell me, O Zarathustra, what is the origin and destiny of man?
16. The spirit said: First, then, O king, in days long past, the sun turned round so swiftly it threw off its outer rim, and the rim broke into a million pieces, flying every way, and these pieces are the stars and the earth and the moon.
17. And for millions of years the earth was only a stone, melting hot; but it cooled off in time; and the outer stones on the earth were oxidized, and this made moss; then the moss died; but the spirit of the moss re-incarnated itself, and this made grass; and the grass died; but the spirit of the grass lived and re-incarnated itself, and thus made the trees.
18. Then the trees died, but the spirit lived, and it re-incarnated and became animals; and they died, but their spirits lived and re-incarnated and became man. After that the spirit no longer re-incarnateth itself, but floateth upward into peace, and resteth for a long time, when it finally mergeth back into the sun and is extinct, like a lamp burnt out.
19. The king asked: How, then, is it with thyself? The spirit replied: I was the original Sun God, that came away from the sun to take charge of this world. It is in my keeping. The king asked: Who, then, is the All First that still stayeth with the sun?
20. The spirit answered: Because thou asketh many questions, O king, thou shalt pay more money. The king assured the spirit that the money, to any amount, would be paid: whereupon the spirit said: Ahura-Ormazd was the original of all; but when the sun threw off its surface Ahura-Ormazd was thrown into pieces, one piece going to every star, save the earth, and I came here of my own accord, because it was larger and better than any other world.
21. The king dismissed the spirit and the priest, and sent for another, a magician also of the rank of priest, Gwan Le. And Gwan Le, being assured that his price would be paid, proceeded to exhibit also. And he performed feats even like the others. Then the king commanded Gwan Le to call the spirits of the dead.
22. The priest apologized about the expense of the death trance (holy ghost power), but being further assured that his demands would be paid, he went into the corner and cast himself into the swoon, stiff and cold.
23. Presently an angel appeared, saying: Behold me, O king, I am Brahma. And if thou desire conquest in war, or greater riches, or more women, I will grant unto thee. I can tell thee of hidden treasures, and of rich mines, and of women greatly to be desired. Also I can tell thee how thy armies can overcome thy enemies with great slaughter.
24. The king said: I am delighted, O Brahma. But I desire nothing of which thou hast mentioned. Tell me of the origin and destiny of man.
25. The spirit said: Know then, O king, all things alive have two parts, the corporeal and the spiritual; all dead things are but one, which is the spirit. Thou, O king, wert first a stone, a very large stone; then when it moldered into dust thy soul went into silver, a very large piece; but when the silver rusted away, thy soul went into gold; and when the gold was worn away, thy soul began to run into animal life, then into a low order of man, then into the high order of man, as thou now art. Thus came man up from the beginning, re-incarnating himself over and over, higher and higher and higher. And when he is perfected in spirit as thou art, he never more returneth to re-incarnate himself. The king asked: What doth the spirit after leaving this world? The spirit replied: Thou shalt then meet thy sexual partner, thy soul-wife; and shall do nothing ever after but have sexual indulgence, peopling the spirit realms with delightful spiritual offspring.
26. The king said: It is well; thou hast a wonderful doctrine. Thereupon the spirit departed, and the priest also. And the king sent for still another priest, Tseeing, A Brahman prophet. And the king asked him: What seest thou for thy king?
27. The priest said: By the rites of my order I cannot disclose any of the secrets of heaven or earth until thou hast paid the price of indulgence, which is two pieces of gold. So the king paid him. Tseeing said: And thou desire riches, or success in war, or new wives, speak thou and I will grant unto thee according to the price. The king said: Alas, Tseeing, I desire none of these indulgences; tell me the origin and destiny of man, for I would learn why I am, and the object and end.
28. Tseeing said: The first of all was Brahma, which was round like an egg. Then Brahma broke open, and the shell was in two halves, and one-half was the sky and the other half was the earth. Then Brahma incarnated himself in the earth, but he came not up as one only, as he expected, but he came up in ten millions and one million parts, and every part was a living thing, a tree, or a plant, or a fish, or a bird, or a beast, or a man. And this is all there is or was or ever shall be.
29. But Brahma looked over the world and he saw that some men were good and some evil. And he said: I will separate the good from the evil. And that justice might be done he called all the nations and tribes of men before him. And when they were come he said unto them:
30. Whoever delighteth in the earth, it shall be his forever. And though he die, his spirit shall have power to re-incarnate itself into another unborn child, and so live over again, and so on, forever. And he shall have great indulgence in the earth, in eating and drinking, and with women, and in all manner of delights, for they shall be his forever.
31. But whosoever delighteth in spirit shall be blest in spirit. He shall not, after death, re-incarnate himself and live over again, but shall dwell forever in heaven and have heavenly delights. But since heavenly delights are not after the manner of earthly delights, then shall the spiritual choser not live like earth-people.
32. But he shall live secluded, and shall torment his flesh with fastings and with castigations. Neither shall he marry or live with woman, nor beget children, nor have any indulgence on the earth whatever, save merely to live, for the earth is not his, nor is he of the earth. And the more he tortureth the flesh, the higher shall be his bliss in heaven.
33. Now, when Brahma had stated the two propositions unto the children of the earth, he further added: Choose ye now which ye will, for after ye have chosen, behold, there is the end. For ye that choose the earth shall be of the earth, even unto all succeeding generations. But whoso chooseth heaven, to him and his heirs it shall be final, and forever.
34. Thereupon mortals made choice, and lo and behold, nearly all of them chose the earth. But in thousands of years and millions of years afterward Brahma repented of his former decree, for he saw the earth become too full of people, and they were sinful beyond bounds. And Brahma sent a flood of waters and destroyed ten thousand million times ten millions of them. And he sent Zarathustra into the world to give new judgment.
35. Zarathustra opened the door of heaven anew, saying: Whoever after this chooseth Brahma, and will torture his flesh, and hate the earth, and live away from the world, him will I save from the earth and from hell also, for I am very efficient and influential with the Creator.
36. Such then, O king, is the origin and destiny of man. Some are born for the earth forever, and some are born for heaven. Nevertheless, the way is open unto all, to choose which they will, earth or heaven.
Chapter XXVIII
1. Te-zee pursued his researches for a long while, and with many prophets, magicians, seers and priests. Afterward he said:
2. All is vanity; all is falsehood. No man hath answered me aright, as to the origin and destiny of man. Even the angels, or whatsoever they are, can only inform me of the things on earth; they only see as man seeth. And it may be true that these angels are nothing more than Loo Sin said, i.e. the spirit of the magician only. Because his body entereth this trance it seemeth reasonable.
3. Now, therefore, I will put a stop to these magicians and priests; they are of no good under the sun. So Te-zee issued a decree covering his own province, commanding magicians and priests to quit the province, under penalty of death. And they thus departed out of his dominions.
4. Now it so happened that in five other great provinces, the kings did precisely the same, and about the same time. And these were the provinces, to wit: Shan Ji, under king Lung Wan; Gah, under king Loa Kee; Sa-bin-Sowh, under king Ah-ka Ung; Gow Goo, under king Te See-Yong; and these provinces comprised the chief part of Jaffeth. And all these kings issued edicts after the same manner. So that the magicians and seers and priests were obliged to abandon their callings or go beyond these provinces, where dwelt barbarians.
5. Jehovih commanded Chine to go before king Te-zee, and when he had come, the king said unto him: Some years since I heard thee, and thou wert profound. I am delighted thou hast come before me again, that I may question thee.
6. Chine said: When thou heardest me before, the Great Spirit spake through me. Now I am well learned, and He commandeth me to speak of my own knowledge.
7. First, then, I am a man as thou art; yet every man hath a different work. Thou art king of this province, and I am told, moreover, thou art good and wise. I hope thou art. Otherwise my words will not please thee. As for myself, I was sent into the world to mark out this land and name it Chine-ya (Chine-land), and to establish anew those that accept the Great Spirit. For Chine'ya and her people shall remain a different country and different people from all the world.
8. Know then, O king, I come not in vain-boasting that I, Chine, am much or can do much; on the contrary, I say unto thee, I am one of the weakest of men; and yet I have more power than any other man in the world. And yet, mark thee, of myself is there nothing whereof to boast. For I am but as a tool in the hands of Jehovih (Ormazd), and not I myself do anything, but He through me.
9. I look upon thee and see thou hast been questioning magicians and priests, and that thou art unsatisfied. Know then, O king, this is thine error, in not magnifying thy judgment.
10. Thou hast worked with magicians who are under the power of angels of the first resurrection, and even angels below them.
11. All such angels teach on their own individual understanding; as wandering individuals they go about. And their miracles are of the same order, merely individual miracles.
12. He, Whom I teach, worketh miracles, not in a small corner but in the affairs of kingdoms and nations; not through magicians only, but through kings and queens, and even through common people. Thou thyself art an instrument of His hand.
13. Behold, in the same time thou issuest thy decree against magicians and asceticism, even in that same time five other great kings do the same thing! This is a miracle indeed! No man can counterfeit His miracles. Neither flatter thyself that such matters occur by accident. They do not occur by accident; but by Jehovih. For His angels in the second resurrection are organized, and work in mighty armies.
14. Te-zee said: Thou art great, Chine; or else thy sudden philosophy turneth my brain! Go on! How shall we know, first, that there are angels who are really the spirits of the dead? Second, how shall we distinguish betwixt the first and second resurrections?
15. Chine said: Only by seeing and hearing with the natural eyes and ears, and with the spiritual eyes and ears, can any man attain to know anything either on earth or in heaven. When these senses are pure and clear, then a man knoweth that the spirits of the dead do live. For I declare, O king, of a truth, that the spirit of my body hath emerged from my body on many occasions, sometimes going subjectively and sometimes objectively. Neither is this a special creation to me only; but it is that which thousands and tens of thousands can attain to by discipline.
16. Touching the first and second resurrections, know thou, O king, spirits that dispose individual things, or earthly things; or propose riches or personal gain, or marriage, discanting to this man or that man as to what is good for him as an individual; spirits giving great names, professing to be this or that great person long since dead; all such are deceivers and have not advanced beyond the first resurrection. They deny the I Am, the Great Spirit, the All Person. Their highest heaven is re-engraftment on mortals, and the reveling in lust. They flatter thee, telling thee thou wert this or that great man in a former re-incarnation. They labor thee to make profit to their own magician; they are without truth or virtue, and of little wisdom.
17. The second resurrection cometh not to an individual as an individual; it cometh as an army, but not to an individual, but to a kingdom, a nation, a community. For as such angels belong to organized communities in heaven, so doth that organization work with virtuous organizations of mortals.
18. This is wisdom, O king; to get away from the individual self; to become one with an organization, to work with the Great Spirit for the resurrection of men. For as thou makest thyself one with many to this end, so laboreth the Father with thee and them. As thou keepest thyself as an individual self, so do individual angels come to thee as individuals.
19. Individual answereth to individual; the first resurrection to the first; the second to the second. Moreover, the All Person is over all, and worketh each in its own order, unto a great purpose.
20. Think not, O king, I am making a new doctrine; I am but declaring that which was also proclaimed to the ancients. And as many as came forward and had faith were called Jehovih's chosen people, because, forsooth, they chose Him.
21. Judge thou, then, whoso denieth the All Person is not of His order; neither hath such an one the light of the Father in him. But he who hath attained to understand that all things are but one harmonious whole, hath also attained to know what is meant by the term, All Person, for He is All; and, consequently, Ever Present, filling all, extending everywhere.
22. In contradistinction from Him, two philosophies have run parallel, which are darkness and evil. One saith the All is not a person, being void, and less than even the parts thereof; the other saith the only All High is the great angel I worship, who is as a man, and separate from all things.
23. These comprise the foundation of all the doctrines in the world, or that have ever been or ever will be. The latter is idolatry, which is evil; the second, unbelief, which is darkness; and the first is faith, truth, love, wisdom and peace.
24. Under these three heads are all men classified by Jehovih and His angels. And they may be likened to three men looking across a field; one seeth a light and knoweth he seeth it; another hopeth he seeth it, but he only seeth a white leaf; but the third seeth nothing at all.
25. As a witness, therefore, the latter is worthless; the second is a circumstantial witness; but the first is positive, and standeth the highest and firmest of all. He knoweth his Heavenly Father. He seeth Him in the flowers; in the clouds, and in the sunshine; in the fruits and herbs; and in the beasts of the field, and in every creeping thing; and in the stars and moon and earth and sun. In sickness, in health, in sorrow and in rejoicing; verily he findeth Jehovih in all things; he knoweth Jehovih's eye and ear are forever upon him; and he walketh upright in fear, but in truth and faith and pride and rejoicing!
26. Te-zee, the king, asked: Tell me, O Chine, what is the origin and destiny of man?
27. Chine said: The Ever Present quickeneth him into life in his mother's womb; and he is then and there a new creation, his spirit from the Spirit Jehovih, and his body from the earth; a dual being the Father createth him.
28. His destination is everlasting resurrection; in which matter, man can have delightful labor as he riseth upward forever and ever.
29. The king asked: If Jehovih is all the time creating, will not the firmament become too full of angels?
30. Chine said: A thousand men read a book, and yet that book is no fuller of ideas than at first. The corporeal man is not divisible, and, so, filleth a place. Thought, which may be likened unto the soul, is the opposite of this. Ten thousand men may love thy flower-garden, yet thy garden is no fuller because of their love. Exalted souls in the upper heavens are without bulk and substance; and even so are the regions they inhabit, as compared to corporeal things.
31. The king said: I would that I were as thou art! For which matter, if thou wilt use thy wand and make me even half as wise, I will give away all my kingdom!
32. Chine said: Thou canst not bargain for Faith, or purchase it, as a coat or as sandals. And yet until Faith is attained there is no resurrection. No bird ever flew from its nest, without first having faith it could fly. And when thou hast Faith thou wilt cast away thy kingdom and choose heavenly treasures instead. Until thou hast attained Faith thou wilt retain thy kingdom. This is a judgment unto the rich man in the same way.
33. Riches and a king's kingdom may be likened to balls of gold tied to a man's feet in deep water; he cannot rise until he cutteth himself loose, and casteth away that which bindeth him. So, also, are men bound in spirit, and until they put their own hands to the matter there is no resurrection for them.
Chapter XXIX
1. Te-zee, the king, said unto Chine: Because thou hast given me this great light, it seemeth to me I should issue a decree commanding all my people to accept thy doctrines.
2. Chine replied: O man! How short thou art in understanding our Father! Violence is His enemy. Such a decree would be no better than a decree establishing any other heavenly ruler. It would thwart itself. He cometh not with sword and spear, like the idol-Gods; He cometh with education, the chief book of which is the example of good works, and of peace and liberty to all.
3. Te-zee said: Thou reasonest well. Hear me, then, thou greatest of men; command me even as if I were the meanest of servants, and I will obey thee.
4. Chine said: O king, thou tormentest me with my own inability to make thee understand! Thou shalt not make thyself servant to any man, but to Ormazd, the Great Spirit.
5. The king said: Then I will put away my kingdom. But Chine said: Consider first if thou can best serve Him by doing this way or that way, and then follow thy highest light, and thou shalt not err.
6. The king asked: How, sayest thou, shall I put aside my kingdom and my riches and do as thou dost?
7. Chine said: Thou shalt be thine own judge. If I judge for thee, and thou follow my judgment, then am I bound to thee. Suffer me to have my liberty also.
8. Te-zee said: If the Great Spirit would give me thy wisdom, then would I serve Him. How long, sayest thou, a man shall serve Him in order to reach great wisdom?
9. Chine said: Suppose a man had several pieces of glass; some clear, some clouded with smoke and grease; how long, sayest thou, would it require to make them all clear alike? For such is the self in man; it cloudeth his soul; and when he hath put self away, then is his soul clear, and that is wisdom, for then he beholdeth the Father through his own soul; yea, and heareth Him also. And until he doeth this, he believeth not in His Person or Presence, no matter how much he professeth.
10. The king kept Chine many days, and questioned him with great wisdom and delight. One day Chine said to him: Jehovih saith to me: Go thou quickly unto the five other provinces of Chine'ya, and explain to the kings thereof Who I am. Chine added: Therefore, O Te-zee, I must leave thee, but after many days I will return to thee and exhibit to thee the testimony of immortal life.
11. The king provided camels and servants, and sent Chine on his way. And, after Chine was gone, Te-zee said to himself: Although I can not decree Chine's doctrines, I see no reason why I can not decree the extinction of Te-in and other idol-Gods. And thereupon he did as he thought best, prohibiting the priests from doing sacrifice to Joss (God), or Ho-Joss (Lord God), or Te-in, or Po, or any other ruler in heaven, save and except the Great Spirit.
Chapter XXX
1. In course of time Chine completed his labor with the six kings of Jaffeth, and returned to Te-zee, to die.
2. At this time there had been established in different places more than a thousand families (communities) of Faithists, either through Chine or his followers, the chief rab'bahs. And when Chine returned before the king, Te-zee, there came from every quarter of the world men and women to meet him and learn wisdom.
3. And all that were in any way sick or lame or blind or deaf he cured by pronouncing the word E-O-Ih over them. And persons who were obsessed with evil spirits he healed by permitting them to touch his staff. And many that were dead he brought to life; for he showed before men power to accomplish anything whatsoever. Yea, he rose up in the air and walked therein and thereon over the heads of the multitude.
4. And whilst he was up in the air he said unto the multitude: I will now come down amongst you and die, as all men do die. And ye shall suffer my body to lie five days, that the eyes may be sunken and black, showing that I am dead, of a truth.
5. And on the sixth day ye shall cast the body into the furnace and burn it to ashes. And the ashes ye shall take into the field and scatter this way and that, that no more of me is seen or known on the earth.
7. And on the seventh day, which shall be a holy day unto you, behold, ye shall witness in the field of my ashes a whirlwind, and the whirlwind shall gather up the ashes of my body; and my soul shall inhabit it and make it whole, as ye now see me, and I will break the whirlwind and descend down to the earth and abide with you yet other seven days, and then ye shall behold a ship descend from heaven in an exceeding great light, and I will enter therein, and ascend to the second heavens.
7. Neither shall any man or woman nor child say: Behold, Chine was a God. Nor shall ye build an image of me, nor monument, nor in any way do more unto me or my memory than to the meanest of mortals. For I say unto you, I am but a man who hath put away earth possessions, desires and aspirations.
8. And whatsoever ye see me do, or know of me having done, the same is possible unto all men and women created alive on the earth.
9. Remembering that all things are possible with Jehovih (Ormazd); and to Him only is due all honor and glory forever.
10. So Chine died, and was burnt to ashes on the sixth day, under the superintendence of king Te-zee, and the ashes were scattered in the field as commanded.
11. And on the seventh day, whilst the multitude surrounded all the place, a whirlwind came and gathered up the ashes in a small degree; and the ashes were illumed, and the soul of Chine went therein, and he burst the whirlwind and came down even at the king's feet.
12. And Chine said: Knowest thou who I am? And the king answered, saying: Of a truth thou art Chine. And because this hath come to pass I decree that this, thy native land, shall henceforth forever be called Chine'ya! And I will send unto other kings also, and they will decree the same thing.
13. Chine said: Even so, do thou. And since the Father hath allotted me seven days to remain with His chosen and with thee, O king, apprize thou, whom I will name to thee, to come and see me. And thereupon Chine told the king whom he desired to come.
14. And Chine walked about on the earth, even the same as before death, nor could any man tell by looking at him that he had passed through death. Nor were his clothes different, although they were made out of the ashes in the whirlwind.
15. On the last day that he was to remain, he called Te-zee and the persons he had selected, and thus spake unto them, saying:
Chapter XXXI
1. My brothers and my sisters, in the name of the Great Spirit, hear me: These are Chine's last words, for the Father calleth me. Be ye attentive, that ye may remember my sermon; be also considerate, for I am no more nor less than one of you.
2. I was sent into the world to wall this great people around with Jehovih's hand. I have made you an exclusive people for three thousand years to come. I give unto you peace and liberty; I have drawn a veil over the bloody past, and taught you to love and respect one another.
3. Chine'ya shall become the most numerous nation in all the world; this is the miracle of the Father unto you. On the foundation I have given you, shall your doctrines be henceforth forever.
4. Be ye watchful against Gods (Josses) and Saviors, and especially wary of spirits of the dead who profess not the Great All Person.
5. All such are instigators of war and lust after earthly things.
6. Be ye exclusive unto one another; suffering not outside barbarians to come amongst you, especially to marry with my people.
7. Yet ye shall not war against them.
8. But it is lawful for you to build walls around about, to keep them away. And these walls shall stand as the Father's judgment against all people who molest you or injure you.
9. And every change of the moon ye shall renew your covenant, which was my covenant, with Jehovih.
10. Teaching it to your children, and commanding them to teach it to theirs after them, and so on forever!
11. Swearing ye unto the Great Spirit to ignore all heavenly rulers but the Creator, the I Am who is everywhere.
12. And though idolaters come amongst you, proclaiming their God, or their Lord, or their Savior, hearken not unto them. But nevertheless, persecute them not, nor injure them, for they are in darkness.
13. Neither be ye conceited over them; for your forefathers were like unto them.
14. The Father hath made a wide world, and fruitful and joyous, and He giveth it unto man's keeping.
15. Unto one people one country; unto another people another country, and so on, all the world over.
16. Chine'ya He giveth unto you, and He saith:
17. Be ye as brothers and sisters in this, My holy land.
18. Which in the ancients days was made to bloom as a flowery kingdom by my chosen, the Faithists of old.
19. But they were neglectful of My commandments.
20. Idolaters came upon them and destroyed them, and laid waste their rich fields; yea, the bones of My people were strewn over all the land.
21. But ye are now once more delivered, and ye shall make Chine'ya bloom again as My celestial kingdom.
22. And ye shall multiply, and build, and plant, and make this heritage, which I give unto you, as an example unto all peoples, of industry and peace and thrift.
23. And of the multitude that can dwell in one kingdom, manifesting love, patience and virtue.
24. And by your neglect of war and of war inventions, ye shall be a testimony of my presence in this day.
25. For the time shall surely come when I will put down all unrighteousness, and war, and idolatry, and I will be the All Person unto the whole world.
26. Chine hath spoken; his last words are spoken. Jehovih's ship of fire descendeth from His highest heaven!
27. Chine will rise up in this; and even so shall ye who are pure and good and full of love.
28. A light, like a great cloud, but brilliant, blinding with holy light, descended over all the field where the multitude were.
29. Many fell down in fear; and many cried aloud in great sorrow.
30. Then Chine went and kissed Te-zee, and immediately walked toward the midst of the field, and was lost in the exceeding great light.
31. And the light turned around like a whirlwind, and rose up, higher and higher, and then was seen no more.
32. Chine was gone!
33. And now were manifested the power and glory of Jehovih. Te-zee at once made special laws protecting all persons who rejected Gods, Lords and Saviors, but worshipped the All Light (Jehovih). Four other kings followed with the same edicts and laws.
34. The Faithists were safely delivered into freedom throughout Chine'ya.
[Thus end the revelations of the three contemporaneous Sons of Jehovih, Capilya, Moses and Chine.]
End of Book of the Arc of Bon.
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