Book of Cpenta-Armij, Daughter of Jehovih
Being of the first deliverance of God's chosen people.
Chapter I
1. Jehovih spake to Cpenta-armij, Goddess of Haot-saiti, in Nirvana, in the arc of Spe-ta, Commander of the South fields of Abarom, in the Orian Plains of Bilothowitchieun, of a reign of two hundred thousand years; Surveyor for Otsias, ten thousand years; Leader of the Oixan, seventy thousand years; Captain of Geliyas' roadways, in the forest of Lugga, twenty thousand years; Founder and Ruler of Isaas, thirty thousand years; Trencher of the Haigusets swamps, four thousand years; Goddess of Nor, Goddess of Eunigi, Goddess of Poutu, each ten thousand years, saying:
2. My Daughter, behold, the red star and her heavens come thy way. She will cross the arc of Spe-ta, four years and thirty-two days' riding. Open thou thy fields in Abarom, and give her forty years' indulgence, for this is the first of her deliverances.
3. Cpenta-armij answered, saying: I see the red star, the earth, O Jehovih! Like a wandering ship in a wide ocean she cometh through my fields, the young earth, traveling on, carefully, in the roads of Salkwatka. Hath she so soon, but little more than sixty thousand years, overcome her enduring knots and torturing hells?
4. In Thy Wisdom and Power, O Jehovih, I will go in person to this corporeal world, and encourage her God and Lords for the excellent labor done.
5. Jehovih said: Call thy Council, and proclaim from My throne the Feast of the Arc of Spe-ta. Then Cpenta-Armij called her High Council, a hundred millions, Sons and Daughters of Jehovih, and she ascended to her place in the midst of the throne of the Great Spirit.
6. And there were present: Obed, God of Oise, in Embrahk; Gavaini, Goddess of Ipthor, of the Solastis Plains; Ab, First Shriever of Riv-Seing; Holon-ho, God of Loo-Gam; Raisi, Goddess of Esdras; Wish-tse, God of Zuth, in Ronega; and all these Gods and Goddesses were above a hundred thousand years raised in etherean realms, and knew the earth before inhabited by man.
7. On a visit to Cpenta-armij were: Owks, Orian Chief of Maiter-lan, fifty thousand years, Marshal of Wiski-loo, thirty thousand years, God of Tunsin, in the Tarps Roads, ninety thousand years; and See-wah-Gon, Chieftainess of the Orian arc of Su-los, two hundred thousand years, Mistress of Aftong, in the Plains of Bel, three hundred thousand years, Pilotess of Lu-wow-lu, one hundred thousand years, Goddess of Eune, in the Mountains of Gem-king; and Ha-o-ha, Founder of Ogee, of Siam, of Wick-a-wick, and the twelve Nirvanian Old-tse, in Lo-owtz, Eli-hagam, together with their traveling hosts, each five millions.
8. Cpenta-armij said: For Thy glory, O Jehovih, I proclaim the Feast of the Arc of Spe-ta. And these, my visiting hosts, shall enjoy the four years' deliverance of the red star and her heavens!
9. Then responded Owks, and then See-wah-Gon, then Ha-o-ha, speaking at great length, and rejoicing for the invitation. And they related many adventures on other stars in the time of the arc of deliverance, the arc of Spe-ta, and with what Gods and Goddesses they journeyed, and what Chiefs and Chieftainesses.
10. So Cpenta-armij spake to her chief marshal, saying: Send thou heralds to the builders, and order me an airavagna capable of five hundred millions, and of speed, grade sixty. After this thou shalt select from my attendants one hundred millions, and after that three hundred millions of the Egisi.
11. With these, and with my visitors, I will start for the red star in twenty days.
The proper officers attended to these things, and whilst they were moving about, behold, the red star, the earth, rose up in the far-off place, the roadway, and the es'enaurs saw it, and they chanted:
12. What is yonder? The red star, Jehovih! Thy breath hath spoken. Thy voice, the silent motion. O Thy endless power, Jehovih!
13. Around about her, close; what is that filled with angels, thousands of millions! Wondrous are Thy works, O Jehovih, and measureless. She rideth around the sun, two hundred and seventy million miles.
14. It is her atmosphere, traveling with her; its boundary, Chinvat. How fearfully hast thou created, O Jehovih! And the magnitude of Thy places! That little red star is a world, O Father! And the thousands of millions of angels, why do they stay in such heavens, O Jehovih!
15. Then the trumpeters afar off answered: She that spinneth round the sun, the red star, the earth, a new world, a generator of the souls of men. The Gods have called her, but she will not hear. Her atmosphere is full of angels struggling for the earth. But Thy hand is upon them, O Jehovih. Thy trumpeters will line the roads of Salkwatka.
16. Then sang the es'enaurs: How lovely are Thy works, O Jehovih! Too lovely are Thy places, O Jehovih! Too lovely is the red star, the earth, O Jehovih! Thy children love it while in mortal form; after death too much they love it, O Jehovih!
17. The pipers answer for Jehovih from the Wide East: O so little to love, made I the earth, the red star. I gave her poisoned weeds and vines and grasses; millions of death-dealing serpents. Then I created poisoned marshes and terrible fevers. In sore travail, and full of misery, created I man on the earth, that he should turn and look upward for a holier place.
18. Then sang the en'enaurs: Too lovely createdst Thou Thy atmospherean heavens, O Jehovih! Thy bounden heavens that travel with the red star, the earth. The spirits raised up from the mortal earth find too much to love in Thy lower heavens, O Jehovih!
19. The pipers again answered for Jehovih: My lower heavens created I full of darkness and evil possibilities. A place for madness created I it; a place for lying and deceit; full of hell and torments. To drive man upward; to blow My breath upon him, to lift him up, as one lighteth the fire by blowing.
20. Cpenta-armij spake from Jehovih's throne, saying: What is the deliverance of man? Is it from his mother's womb? Is it from his corporeal body? Is it from the corporeal world and her atmosphere? Three births hath the Father given unto all men. In the first, man hath nothing to do, as to his shaping or time in his mother's womb. In the second he hath a little more to do as to directing his course during his mortal life; but for the third, for the higher heavens, he must work for his own deliverance.
21. Cpenta-armij said: Three kinds of earth deliverance for man created the Creator; First from his mother's womb, coming crying, blank and helpless; second, from the tetracts (earthly passions and desires), serious and full of fear; third, from the enemies of the Great Spirit. This is the Feast of Spe-ta.
Chapter II
1. Cpenta-armij said: I looked afar, and saw the earth and her heavens traveling on. I listened to the voice of mortals! A merchant counted over his gains; he said: This is heaven! A drunkard quaffed a cup of poison; he said: This is heaven! A wanton said: This is heaven! A general, red with blood, counted the badges on his breast; he said: This is heaven! A tyrant, rich in toiling slaves, said: This is heaven! Then a vast multitude, all smeared with the blood of war, pointed to a field of mortals slain, and said: This is heaven! A farmer stretched wide his arms, toward his great possessions, uncultivated; he said: This is heaven! A little child with a toy said: This is heaven!
2. Then spake Jehovih, saying: None of these canst thou convince to the contrary. They are not ready for deliverance.
3. I listened to the voice of spirits, the angels traveling with the earth. A wanderer, going about, with nothing to do, said: This is heaven! An obsessor of mortals and of other angels said: This is heaven! The fairies, the butterfly angels, the triflers, that forever look in crystal waters to behold their own forms, said: This is heaven! The rollicking, deceiving angels, went and inspired mortals to falsehood; these angels said: This is heaven! Vampire angels, that nestle in the atmosphere of mortals, largely living on their substance, said: This is heaven! Evil angels, obsessing mortals for murder's sake, to make mortals burn houses and torture helpless creatures, said: This is heaven!
4. Then spake Jehovih, saying: None of these canst thou convince to the contrary. They are not ready for deliverance.
5. Again I listened to the sounds coming from the far-off earth. And I heard the prayers of mortals. The king prayed for his kingdom and for himself. The general prayed for success in war. The merchant for great gains; the tyrant for great authority.
6. Jehovih said: Only the earth can answer such prayers.
7. I listened again for the prayers of mortals; they had great afflictions, dire diseases, and famines, and wars; the merchants were bankrupt, and there was great suffering, and they prayed for deliverance.
8. Jehovih said: Shouldst thou deliver them they would return to their old, evil habits. I say unto thee, the merchant shall be bankrupt; the king shall fail; the general be overthrown; the healthy shall be sick for a season. Save they know My power, they cannot learn; save they feel affliction, they will not help one another. Shall a man say: O Jehovih, come Thou and heal the sick? Shall he not first of all recognize My will and know My power?
9. To give money to the drunkard, what good is that? To give wealth and earthly prosperity to them that acknowledge not Me, is to set them against Me. To give healing to the fevered, is to teach them that I have no power in the unseen air. Answer not thou the prayers of these.
10. I listened once more to the prayers of mortals. And they were such as lived according to their highest light; they purified the flesh by pure food, and by bathing every day; and they went about doing good constantly, hoarding up neither clothes, nor silver, nor gold, nor anything earthly. And they purified their thoughts by putting away the evil tongue, and the evil eye, and evil ear; and many of them were bound by the kings, and the tyrants, and the laws of mortals; and some of them were sick. And they prayed, saying: Great is my affliction, O Jehovih. I know that in Thy sight I am justly punished.
11. But hear Thou my prayer, O Father! Make me strong, that I may carry heavy burdens for the weary; give me liberty, that I may go about helping the poor forever. Give me wisdom, that I may uncover Thy glories before men.
12. Jehovih said: Go thou, My Daughter, and deliver them. They are ready for deliverance! Answer thou the prayers of such.
13. Then I called my hosts together, five hundred millions, in the Nirvanian heavens in Haot-saiti, in etherea, the highest heaven. And we entered into the airavagna, as, swelling high on every side, the music of millions cheered us on. Upward, high up, shone the glimmering red star, whereon now our steersman pointed the fire-arrow, to shoot meteor-like across Jehovih's pathway, and thitherward turned our buoyant souls, saluting our starters with a happy good-by!
14. Arise! Arise! By my vested power in thee, O Jehovih, shall the elements fall before my will! Arise; onward! To the red star, speed on! Airavagna, upward, on!
15. Thus spake Cpenta-armij, her voice mellow and sweet, but so tuned to the spheres it could be heard the breadth of a world. And Jehovih, with whose power and will she had learned to be as one, by long experience and studying submission to His will, lent a willing ear and strong hand. Out shot the flames, the buoyant force manufactured by less skilled workmen learning the trade of Gods, where whirled the million screws of fire, propelling, till the mighty ship reeled, and turned, and rose from its foundation, with all its joyous hosts aboard, shouting loud, and singing praise to Him who ruleth over all. Then turning round and round, slowly, spiral like, the great secret form and force of vortices now first revealed to man, to show the plan of worlds, and how holden in their places and moved in universal harmony and endless creation, the great airavagna began her course in the roadway of Salkwatka, in etherea, shooting toward the red star, the young earth.
16. Nearing first the Oixanian Spars of Ochesu, where were gathered near the road ten million spectators to see the Goddess pass in her ship; and their banners waved, and their music burst forth most exhilarating; the which were answered by the airavagna's cheering hosts and sailing streamers. She halted, to salute in honor, the Goddess Yuetisiv, and then upward shot a thousand miles suddenly.
17. Again onward, turning the breadth of the road, a million miles, to the right, to salute Vultanya, Goddess of the swamps of Ailassasak, where stood by the portico of her heavenly palace seventy million pupils, in their thousandth year of tuition, to receive the passing blessing of the Orian Chieftainess, Cpenta-armij. And thither, but a halt, as it were a nod, and downward on their heads Cpenta-armij sent a shower of newly-created flowers from the sphere above, and in turn heard their chorus rise joyfully, in as many million words of love and admiration.
18. Still onward, upward sped the airavagna, her hosts viewing the scenes on every side, here most, the richest part and most glorious places of Salkwatka. Where the etherean worlds, rich in the glitter of swamps shining on the countless rainbow arches and crystal pyramids, afford an extensive view of the new Orian boundaries of Oteson's broad kingdoms. Here course the thousands of excursionists from the measureless regions of the Huan lights, where are to be seen a million varieties of fire-ships, of sizes from ten miles across to the breadth of a world, in unceasing travel, in tens of thousands of directions, onward in their ways, every several one a history of millions of years, and of thousands of millions of souls, and every soul rich in the knowledge of thousands of worlds.
19. By music alone, some their ships propelled, the vibratory chords affording power sufficient in such high-skilled hands, and the tunes changing according to the regions traversed. Others, even by colors made in the waves of sound, went forward, carrying millions of angels, every one attuned so perfectly that his very presence lent power and beauty to the monarch vessel. And downward and upward, and east and west, and north and south, and of every angle and course; such were the traveling regions of Wellagowthiij, in the etherean fields of Oteson.
20. And of the million ships, with their tens of thousands of millions of spirits, who so great a Goddess, like Cpenta-armij, could turn her well-learned eyes on any one, and know its home regions, and from what Orian pastures sailed; or perhaps Nirvanian rivers! Or, like her visiting friends now with her, great Owks, and See-wah-Gon, and Ha-o-ha, that with her stood side by side, reading the coursing fleets, and relating to one another who they were, and the great Chiefs aboard, with whom thousands of years ago they had been together taming some rambling star and quieting its disturbed vortex, or perhaps surveying a roadway many millions of miles through an a'ji'an forest.
21. And the while the airavagna was shooting on in the hands of her proper officers, every one to his part and all the hosts in varied amusement; for such is the labor of the high raised in heaven, labor itself becometh an amusement of great relish. Coming then to the Crossings, near Bilothowitchieun, where was a small colony, ninety million etherean weavers, superintended by Cpenta-armij's ward, Hoewuel, God of two thousand years, who knew she was coming his way, and had lighted the roadway a hundred thousand miles in honor thereof, she turned the airavagna and cast the streamers and banners, saluting. Here again Cpenta-armij sent down to her beloved sons and daughters, for every one, flowers and keepsakes; and on every flower was written the history and mission to the earth and her heavens. And then again the airavagna upward rose and sped on.
22. Thus in Jehovih's wide universe went forth the Goddess, the Chieftainess, Cpenta-armij, went toward the red star; passing through ten thousand varieties of etherean worlds and roadways in the ji'ay'an fields and forests of high heaven, seeing millions of etherean ships going hither and thither, every one knowing its own mission and field of labor, whilst the highest raised Gods and Goddesses could exchange courtesies with the fiery vehicles, and speak them, to know whither bent, and for what purpose.
23. Then rising high; here on a level lieth the earth, here the boundary of her vortex, Chinvat; just beyond the sweep of the moon; halteth here to view the rolling earth, her land and water; and her atmospherean heavens, the sojourning place of the newly dead, and of such as have not aspired to rise to holier heavens.
24. Quickly, now, Cpenta-armij taketh in the situation, and ordereth on the airavagna, which now taketh a downward course, steering straight toward the habitable earth. Slowly now, turning slowly, and descending; viewing all the regions on every side in the great vortex, she spies the plateau Craoshivi, the place of God, new founded.
25. And to her companions and to her hosts quickly Cpenta-armij, of the Nirvanian Chengotha, explaineth the place; and, stretching forth her slender hand, itself most like a stream of fire, she crieth out: Behold my anchorage! Here bring my ship and make fast, where riseth now the voices of my weary God and his Lords, of me so long expectant. In Thy wisdom and power, O Jehovih, I will raise them up!
Chapter III
1. Jehovih spake to God, ruler of atmospherea and of the earth, saying: Well done, O My Son! The beginning of the end of thy trials is at hand. I have spoken in the highest heavens, in My etherean worlds; in the gardens of Haot-saiti, near the arc of Spe-ta, to My Daughter, who hath attained to One with Me, a Nirvanian in the regions of Chen-gotha, the holy Cpenta-armij.
2. Her ship, an airavagna, with five hundred million etherean deliverers on board, hath started on the road Salkwatka, swiftly bound to thy regions, to thy new plateau, Craoshivi.
3. Send thou word to Yima to come, and to Vishnu, and to Os, each to come in rank, attended by ten millions, grade above seventy, with es'enaurs, and marshals, and captains, and generals, to come to Craoshivi.
4. And send thou invitations to thy Diva to come, and to thy sub-Gods, and to thy Lord Gods, and to thy Lords, in all the divisions of heaven and the divisions of the earth; and to bring of their people all above grade fifty. And to thy marshals give thou a list of all who will be with thee in Craoshivi on that day. And thy marshals shall apportion and divide and arrange all thy hosts thus assembled in Craoshivi, according to grade, approaching thy throne in four lines, east and west and north and south, and thy throne shall be the extreme east.
5. And in the centre of the cross shall thy marshal provide space sufficient for the hosts of Cpenta-armij to land her airavagna, and to disembark. But at the extreme boundary of the lines of thy hosts thou shalt draw a circle, and thither shall thy light makers erect pillars of light, making the circle as a wall of light; and, as the diameter of the circle is to the distance down to the earth's surface, so a tenth thereof shalt thou make as the summit of the apex of the canopy of thy capital chamber, for the Holy Council of thy Goddess, Cpenta-armij.
6. God said: Thy will be done, O Jehovih! And thereupon God sent word by his messengers, as commanded by the Great Spirit; sent invitations to all the Gods and Lords of heaven and earth, commanding them to come to Craoshivi.
7. And the Lord Gods, and Gods and Lords, thus notified, appointed substitutes to rule in their places. And they made otevans, every one suitable to the number of angels he was to take with him, and they embarked and rose up from their several places in atmospherea and the earth, and, being guided in their courses by such experts as had learned the way, they came to Craoshivi, where they were received by the chief marshal of God and his officers, and allotted their several places, according to their respective grades. But as the plateau was above grade fifty in the earth's vortex, so there were no angels of less grade than fifty amongst all the hosts assembled.
8. And Jehovih commanded God to number the angels thus assembled in Craoshivi, and there were seven thousand millions, and nine hundred and seventy-five millions, and eight hundred thousand, officers and all.
9. And the day and the hour of their assembling, when they were numbered, was the self same time that Cpenta-armij's fire-ship arrived at Chinvat, when her light burst in full view to the hosts of God in Craoshivi. And they all beheld her coming; saw the manner in which a Chieftainess cometh to the lower heavens. And because of the great glory before them, they burst forth in a song of praise to Jehovih, the seven thousand millions.
10. Jehovih spake to God, saying: Ascend thy throne, My Son, and allot the Council and thy officers to their place, for quickly now, behold, My Daughter will descend. And when she cometh. My Voice will be with her for the years and the days of the dawn of dan.
11. So God caused his Council and his marshal and his Diva to take their places and be in readiness for the emancipated Sons and Daughters. And presently the descending star grew brighter and larger, larger and brighter, till like a sun she shone abroad over all the plateau of Craoshivi.
12. In awe stood the Gods at sight of the sublime spectacle; for the light of the airavagna was brilliant, and unlike all the lights of the lower heavens, and new to nearly all the people.
13. Nearer and nearer descended the ship of light, till soon the music of her hosts descended down to those beneath, who, awe-stricken and buoyant with delight, burst forth, entranced with the glory thereof, singing, by the force of Jehovih's light upon them, the same glorious anthem.
14. And now the marshals spread the way, for close at hand came the airavagna, over the bows of which Cpenta-armij shone like a central sun, and with her, her visiting hosts, Owks and Ha-o-ha and See-wah-Gon; so, but for Cpenta-armij holding out her taper hand, the hosts below had hardly known which of the four great lights Jehovih had sent. Presently the curtains swept across the high pyramid of the capital, and then the transparent blankets and crystal frame-work; and now shot down the anchors, three hundred thousand; lower and lower, slowly came the mighty ship, till her screen-work, from which the anchors hung, touched the very floors of the capital; and, all radiant with holiness, before God and his hosts stood the ethereans, the glory of the most high heavens.
15. The attendants then quickly spread the homa; the masters of arches opened the floor and sides of the airavagna, and there, seated or standing, was ready the central part of the etherean Council chamber, even as if the throne of God had been built for it. Then came forth the Chieftainess, Cpenta-armij, accompanied by Owks and Ha-o-ha and See-wa-Gon, and arriving before the throne stood, waiting for the salutation and the sign.
16. God, still sitting on the throne, said: Daughter of Jehovih, Chieftainess of Haotsaiti, in the name of the Father! And hereupon he gave the sign Arc of Spe-ta! Cpenta-armij and her three companions saluted in the Sign of the Circuit! Which was the highest compliment any God of the earth had ever received.
17. Cpenta-armij said: By Jehovih's command am I before thee, O God. In Love and Wisdom and Power am I come. Behold, My Voice is His Voice, Creator of Worlds!
18. God said: My throne is founded in Jehovih's name. Come thou and honor it, and bring thy most high Gods and Goddesses with thee.
19. They went forward then, and all the Gods and Goddesses, and Lords and Lordesses stood up, saluting by shaking hands; and then Cpenta-armij went and sat in the midst of the throne. Meanwhile, the es'enaurs chanted a hymn of thanksgiving.
20. Cpenta-armij, being under the Voice of Jehovih said: For joy created I man and woman; for seasons of labor and seasons of recreation. Be ye mirthful before Me, and jubilant toward one another, in remembrance of My creations. And when I call you to labor, behold, My hand will move upon you for the furtherance of My kingdoms in their resurrections.
21. Hereupon the multitude broke off from their places and stateliness, and commingled together joyfully. And all that were on the throne came down and went into the multitude, saluting and rejoicing.
Chapter IV
Of the birth of Po, Abram, Brahma and Eawahtah.
1. For two whole days Cpenta-armij left the people in recreation, but on the third she ascended the throne, and lo and behold, even in that same moment of time, a light spread abroad over all the place, so that the people comprehended indeed what was meant by Jehovih's hand being upon them. And they all resumed their places, whereupon Jehovih spake through Cpenta-armij, saying:
2. Whom I brought with Me from Haotsaiti shall be My Council during dawn; but the portals shall remain open on every side.
3. Who are not of My Council are not bound unto these, My labors, and the same shall go and come as they choose, remembering the call of their respective Gods.
4. For know ye all, that whoever aspireth to Me shall come to Me; but the nearest way for many is round about. Ye being above grade fifty are already more to Me and for Me than against Me or from Me, and in equal degree are cast upon your own responsibility. For such is the light of My kingdoms, from the first to the highest: To the child, no responsibility; to grade twenty-five, one quarter; to fifty, one-half; to seventy-five, three-quarters; but to the emancipated in My etherean realms, responsibility not only to self but to all who are beneath.
5. Wherein My highest worlds are responsible for the lowest, being bound unto one another through Me for the resurrection of all.
6. In this day am I come to deliver My Gods down to the earth, to walk on the earth with mortals, raising them up in My name.
7. They who shall be raised up in Me, even though still of the earth, shall be holden alike responsible for all who are beneath them; for with My light and power before them, and doing in My name, they that are beneath them will hold them, not only on the earth, but in heaven, for their labors and words.
8. The Voice departed, and then Cpenta-armij spake in her own behalf, saying: Once around earth and heaven will I now travel, seeing with mine own eyes and hearing with mine own ears, even as is commanded of me by the Father; that I may know of mine own knowledge the condition of mortals and of the spirits who dwell both with them and in the lowest heavens. He who is still your God shall abide with you, and on this throne, until I return.
9. Cpenta-armij then descended and sat at the foot of the throne, and Owks and Ha-o-ha and See-wah-Gon with her, whereupon God went down and took her hand, saying: Arise, O Goddess, and go thy way. And then he raised up the other three in the same way, and they saluted and stood aside. Now, as soon as God raised them up, the All Light settled upon him, and he again ascended the throne, and sat in the midst. Then spake Cpenta-armij, saying to God:
10. Jehovih hath commanded the raising of a voice in four divisions of the earth; what is thy light, O God? God said:
11. In Jaffeth I have raised up a man named Po, an Ihuan of the I'hin side, of grade ninety-five. In Arabin'ya I have raised up a man named Abram, an I'huan of the I'hin side, of grade ninety-five. In Vind'yu I have raised up a man named Brahma, an I'huan of the I'hin side, of grade ninety-nine. I Guatama I have raised up a man named Eawahtah, an I'huan of the I'hin side, of grade ninety-five.
12. The loo'is who have accomplished this labor are still with their wards, but are apprised of thy coming. Behold, I send with thee messengers who will answer thy commands.
13. Hereupon, Cpenta-armij, with her hosts, departed, and entered an otevan which God had had previously prepared for her; and she took with her one million attendants, going straight down to the earth. And first of all to visit mortals and mortal kingdoms, kings and queens, temples and oracles, and then to see Po and Abram and Brahma and Eawahtah, all of whom were sufficiently illumined to see her and to know she was the Person of the All Voice.
14. Next after these she visited all the heavenly kingdoms belonging to the earth, going first to the heavenly kingdom, belonging to Japan, thence to Ah'oan, of Jaffeth, thence to E'chad, and so on until she saw them all.
15. After that Cpenta-armij returned to Craoshivi, making a circuit sufficient to examine all the plateaux below the belt meteoris.
16. Now the whole time Cpenta-armij had been gone was thirty and two days. Whilst she had been absent, God extended the receiving grounds of Craoshivi twelve thousand miles in breadth toward the south, and founded sixty colonies. For even now were, and would be, for the four years to come, ships arriving daily with hundreds of thousands of angels who were being prepared for the degree of Brides and Bridegrooms to Jehovih, ready for the third resurrection.
17. Messengers had arrived in Craoshivi daily from Cpenta-armij, so that God knew when she would return. And accordingly he had prepared all things in readiness, and she was received in the name of the Father, in due ceremony.
18. And Cpenta-armij ascended the throne of God and sat in the midst, and a light like a sun settled around about her. Her companions, Gods and Goddesses, now sat not near her, though on the throne to the right and left. Whilst they were taking in their respective places, the es'enaurs were chanting anthems, and the awe and majesty of the scene were magnified to the utmost.
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